Key Mistakes to Avoid While Negotiating With Partners


Negotiation is an essential skill for successful business deal closures. In order to successfully negotiate, avoid common mistakes which will make agreements as beneficial as possible.

Tips to Improve Your Negotiation Skills 

Negotiations with business partners play an integral role for every business, making it necessary to organize and conduct them at the highest level. Avoid common mistakes and improve your skills to make agreements as advantageous as possible for both businesses.

What Difficulties May Arise When Negotiating With Partners, Especially New Ones? 

Business negotiations can be challenging, especially when attempting to form an agreement with a new partner. Many difficulties arise when trying to reach an agreement that you may not even realize are harmful to the process. 

For starters, lack of proper communication is an exceptionally prevalent difficulty when collaborating. It’s common to ignore the other side’s needs and focus on what’s best for your business. It can also be challenging to communicate what you’re trying to achieve, especially when under pressure. Lack of communication significantly stalls the process and may even result in a lost deal.

During business discussions, many people also have trouble maintaining a balanced power dynamic. One side will typically attempt to dominate the discussion, believing they will be more persuasive if they appear superior. However, an unbalanced power dynamic leads to a poor relationship between the two partners. A poor relationship can lead to difficult discussions, hostility, and even loss of an agreement.

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating With Business Partners

Some common mistakes often cause faulty contracts, making the process inefficient. An efficient agreement process is essential for forming good business relations, getting the most beneficial arrangement, and boosting productivity.

To make an agreement the most advantageous to both sides, avoid these five mistakes:

Going in Unprepared

Going into a business discussion unprepared makes you appear unprofessional, leading to your partner not taking you seriously. It’s crucial to always do your homework beforehand and not underestimate the other party.

To prepare, you should research the opposing company and the potential benefits of an agreement. Remember, they may ask you any question, so it’s best to study even the smallest details.

Not Thinking About a Business Partnership as a Long-term Investment

While negotiating, many people fail to realize they should think of the business partnership as a long-term investment. The fact of the matter is, it’s advantageous to form good relationships with other businesses because it will allow smoother agreements down the line.

Don’t ruin the potential of having a long-term relationship with the other business by criticizing them or making derogatory remarks when things aren’t going your way. If you remain calm and polite, they will be more likely to take you seriously and make future agreements with your business.

Making Negotiations Difficult and Inconvenient For Your Partner

Remember that they are there to do business and likely won’t agree to a deal that does not benefit them. Making negotiations difficult for your partner by being inflexible leads to a prolonged process or even failure to reach an agreement at all.

Ensure that the proposal is beneficial to both sides, which will satisfy the other business making contract approval more likely. When negotiating, you should be compromising and somewhat flexible. Compromising on agreement terms shows them that you believe their needs are just as important as yours. 

Focusing on Competing Rather Than Collaborating

Negotiation is not a competition.  The сollaboration will lead to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Try to remain composed when discussing what you’re looking to get from the agreement.

It’s essential to take the time to clearly explain your point of view and listen to the point of view of your partner. This way, you can take both sides into account and draft a possible agreement that serves both sides. 

Lacking Confidence

Confidence is key. It builds respect and trust from your partner. They will take your perspective more seriously when you appear professional, resulting in a favorable agreement for your business.

Before meeting with your partner, ensure you are dressed in business attire and have good hygiene. Having a put-together appearance will significantly improve your confidence. To give your partner an even greater sense of confidence, be sure to make eye contact and clearly state your goals for the meeting.

Why Are These Mistakes Crucial to Deal Closing?

These negotiation mistakes may seem minimal. However, they often lead to failed agreements. Improving your business’s successful contract rate will result in generous benefits, increased profits, and excellent partnerships. Utilize CLM software to improve your success rate, also ensuring you don’t waste time and energy while negotiating. 

Benefits of Using Contract Management Software as a Negotiation Tool:

  • Accelerates discussion process
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Limits human error and mistakes
  • Can focus on negotiating rather than logistics
  • Automated management makes the process easier for both parties

Final Thoughts

If you have poor negotiation skills and are unmotivated to improve them, it will be detrimental to your business’s success. Negotiation skills are crucial for closing deals that allow your business to capitalize on the advantages. Poor skills can mean the difference between an advantageous agreement and a loss.

Business discussions must be as convenient as possible for all parties; by showing that you’re flexible and understanding, the other business will likely want to engage in future agreements with you. Convenience and compromise lead to the creation of successful long-term solutions rather than short-term fixes.