Tips and Tricks to Help Get You Started as a Web Developer

Tips and Tricks to Help Get You Started as a Web Developer

The employment of web developers and digital designers is projected to grow 8 percent from 2019 to 2029. If you’re considering getting into this field of work, you’re lucky as it’s more popular than ever.

But if you’re fresh out of college, coding could be overwhelming. Where do you start? What code do you need to know?

Luckily, we’ve written this guide to help you get started in this industry. Check out our list below to find out what you need to start a web developer career. 

What Is a Web Developer?

A web developer is someone who creates websites. It can include designing a website’s overall look and feel to coding individual web pages.

You can break down web development into front-end, back-end, and full-stack web developers. Their responsibilities and specialties differ from one another. Here are some of the things you should know about the different categories:

Front-End Web Developers

As a front-end web developer, it is crucial to have a strong understanding of HTML and CSS. These two languages are the foundation of web development and are used to create the structure and style of a website.

Additionally, it is helpful to be proficient in JavaScript and jQuery. You can use these scripting languages to add interactivity to a website.

Furthermore, having experience with Photoshop or other graphics editing software is also beneficial. You can use it to create custom graphics for a website. With these skills, you will be well to becoming a front-end web developer.

Back-End Web Developers

If you’re interested in becoming a back-end web developer, it’s important to understand server-side scripting languages like PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Python. You’ll need to be proficient in using a relational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server. It’s also beneficial to experience web application frameworks like Laravel, Ruby on Rails, and Express.js.

With a strong foundation in these areas, you’ll be well on your way to a successful back-end web developer career.

Full Stack Web Developers

To become a full-stack web developer, you must be proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the three core technologies of the web, and you need to know them inside and out.

It would be best if you had a strong understanding of web development frameworks. These provide a structure for your code and can make your life much easier.

Furthermore, you need to be familiar with the tools of the trade. It includes text editors, code debuggers, and performance profilers. With all of these things in your toolbox, you’ll be well to becoming a full-stack web developer.

Skills You Need for Your Web Developer Career

As a web developer, you must be familiar with programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the three essential technologies for building web pages and web applications.

It would also be best if you understood server-side technologies, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, or ASP.NET. These technologies are used to build the back end of web applications.

Furthermore, you need to be familiar with database technologies, such as MySQL, MongoDB, or Oracle. Databases are used to store data for web applications.

Several companies are also offering low code jobs for applicants that are qualified. If you are interested in becoming a low-code developer, make sure to get the right training to develop your skills.

To become a successful web developer, you need to have a strong understanding of all these technologies. Here are some of the things you need to know about these technologies:


Remember that HTML is a markup language, not a programming language. It means you cannot write code in HTML that will run on your web server or browser. However, you can use HTML to structure and format your web pages.

One tip is to use a good text editor when writing HTML. A good text editor will help you write clean code and find errors in your code. There are many different text editors available, both free and paid.

Another tip is to make use of online resources. Many websites offer free tutorials and code examples. These can be a great way to learn HTML and see how others use it.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. HTML is relatively easy to learn and use. If you make a mistake, you can usually fix it without too much trouble. So play around with HTML and see what you can create.


Web development is a broad term encompassing everything from developing a simple website to a complex web application. CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language.

If you’re just getting started in web development, CSS can seem like a daunting task. One of the best ways to learn CSS is to start using a CSS preprocessor. They can abstract much of the complexity of CSS and do writing and maintaining CSS-based designs easier.

Another great way to learn CSS is to use a CSS reset stylesheet. It will help ensure that your CSS-based designs are consistent across different browsers.

Finally, you should also not be afraid to experiment. CSS is a forgiving language; you can always undo your changes if you don’t like the results. By experimentation, you’ll slowly but surely become more proficient in CSS and be able to create complex and sophisticated web designs.


When it comes to JavaScript, it is important to understand the basics of the language. It includes understanding how to write code, how to run code, and how to debug code. Once you have a strong understanding of the basics, you can learn more advanced concepts.

In addition, it is also helpful to find resources that can help you learn more about JavaScript. Many books, websites, and online courses can provide you with additional information about the language. Practicing your skills by building small applications or working on projects with others is also helpful.

JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

If you’re looking to start as a web developer, one of the best things you can do is become proficient in a JavaScript library and frameworks. Doing so will make you more marketable to potential employers and help you build better and more robust web applications.

There are many different JavaScript libraries and frameworks to choose from, so it’s important to select one that best suits your needs and abilities. If you’re just getting started, you may want to consider a simpler library like jQuery, while more experienced developers may want to tackle a more complex framework like AngularJS.

Whichever library or framework you choose, take advantage of online resources and tutorials to help you learn the ropes. With a little effort and perseverance, you’ll be well to becoming a web development pro.


PHP is a server-side scripting language used to create dynamic websites and web applications. While PHP is not the only language you can use to develop websites, it is one of the most popular and widely used languages.

If you want to become a web developer, familiarize yourself with the basics of PHP. The best way to learn PHP is to start with the basics. Familiarize yourself with the syntax and how to use PHP to create simple scripts.

Once you understand the basics of PHP, start learning how to use it to create dynamic websites. PHP can be used to create forms, process data, and create dynamic web pages.

The best way to learn PHP is to practice writing code. Try to create your scripts and test them out on your local server.

Make sure to get involved in the PHP community. Many resources are available online, but the best way to learn PHP is to get involved in the community. Many forums and mailing lists can give you access to many learning tools.

Ruby and Ruby On Rails

For web developers to get started with Ruby and Rails, the first step is installing Rails on your system. Then you’ll need to create a new Ruby project, which you can do through the command line or by using an IDE. After completing the project, you’ll need to add the necessary gems to your Gemfile.

You’ll also need to run the bundle install command to install the gems. Create the controllers and views for your application. Then you can start the Rails server and navigate to your application in the browser.

The official Ruby on Rails guides is a great resource for learning the basics of Ruby. There are also several great online communities for Ruby developers. These can be great resources for finding answers to your questions and getting feedback on your code.

CratesIO is a great resource for finding open-source Ruby projects. It can be a great way to learn from other developers and contribute to the community.

Cloud9 is also a great development environment for Ruby. It provides a sandboxed environment for development and includes many features to help make development easier.


Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. However, just because it is easy doesn’t mean it is not capable. Python is used by many large companies, like Google and Instagram.

Python is an unambiguous, easy-to-read, general-purpose, high-level programming language that considers structured, procedural, and object-oriented programming paradigms. There are many great resources available online to help you learn Python. A quick search on Google or YouTube will yield a wealth of results.

Make sure you install a Python IDE: A Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) will make writing and running Python code much easier. Some popular IDEs include PyCharm and Visual Studio Code.


WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch or to improve an existing website. To use WordPress, you need a domain name and web hosting. Once you set these up, you can install WordPress and get started!

Familiarize yourself with the WordPress Codex. It will be your go-to resource for everything WordPress.

When creating a new WordPress site, start with a good foundation. Install a quality WordPress theme and add a few essential plugins.

Take the time to learn about WordPress security. It is necessary to protect your sites and keep your data safe.

Web Design Fundamentals

Even though web design is a different field, you will have better job flexibility if you have a basic understanding of web design. It is also going to increase your chances of getting hired. Here are some of the web design fundamentals you should know:

Layout and Navigation Principles

As a web developer, one of your most important tasks is creating a layout that is easy for users to understand and navigate. You can start by creating a simple wireframe of your proposed design. It will help you visualize your site’s overall structure and identify any potential navigation issues.

Make sure that your users should be able to find their way around your site without any difficulty. You should also pay attention to your site’s overall look and feel. Use colors and graphics that are consistent with your brand identity.

Mobile-First Design

Mobile-first design is a web development approach that prioritizes designing and developing a website for mobile devices before creating a desktop version.

The rationale behind this approach is that more people now access the internet from mobile devices than desktop computers, so it makes sense to design for the majority first. Plus, designing for mobile first can help simplify the design process overall.

Color and Typography

When choosing colors for your website, creating a color palette that is visually appealing and easy to read is essential. You can do this by picking a few colors that complement each other and using them throughout your site.

As for typography, choose fonts that are easy to read. It should look good on all devices. A good rule of thumb is to use a sans-serif font for body text and a serif font for headings.

Be a Successful Web Developer

You must have strong technical skills if you’re interested in a web developer career. It would be best to work well with others, as most web development projects are team-based. Make sure you market yourself and your skills to potential employers.

If you have the requisite skills and are interested in pursuing a career in development, check out our tips and tricks to help you get started.

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