The Most Important SEO Metrics That You Should Track at All Times

The Most Important SEO Metrics That You Should Track at All Times

Did you know that Google currently holds almost 92 percent of the worldwide search engine market?

When it comes to content marketing, aiming to be on the first page of Google is everyone‘s goal. Clearly, getting that coveted spot is going to expose your website to a lot of people, but how can you know you’re doing things right?

That’s where SEO metrics come into play, and luckily, we’re here to help. Read on to learn which metrics matter most.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is the traffic you’ve earned from appearing in Google’s SERPs without paying. This metric is important to track so you can understand how many people are visiting your site. This is going to show you how effective your SEO strategy is.

Other metrics show you trends, but organic traffic is the best way to see quantifiable proof that your website’s content is doing what it needs to be doing.


Indexing is where Googlebot attempts to make sense of any information Google found on your website while it was crawling. Basically, this is how Googlebot determines the relevancy of your content. Your website has to make it past this phase to show up on search engines, but errors can happen along the way.

One of the most common ones you’ll come across is a redirect error in Google Search Console. You can read here to learn more about how to fix it.

Keyword Rankings

Using a keyword planning tool is going to be highly beneficial here. You can use it to figure out which keywords your site is already ranking for, and then use that data to your advantage.

You should also take note of the keywords you’re not ranking for but would like to be. If you find, however, that you’re ranking highly for a few different keywords, then you should continue creating content with that keyword to maintain your spot.

Local SEO

If your business has brick-and-mortar locations â€” or is simply based locally â€” it’s essential to keep track of your local SEO. The best way to do this is to track three specific metrics: Google Maps Rankings, Google Business Profile Insights, and Session Location.

With these three metrics, you’re going to be able to see how often your business’s Google profile appears in search results. You’ll also be able to track the exact cities where web sessions are coming from, and you’ll be able to gather a better idea about the amount of traffic you receive.

Ready to Get Started With These SEO Metrics?

Now that you know about the most beneficial SEO metrics, are you ready to get started? Whether you’re just starting a new business or you’re trying to improve the one you have, tracking your numbers is the single best way to reach your goals. Finding a great marketing firm to help along the way is also a great idea.

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