Reduce Crime Rate Through Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

If you are concerned about people using drugs and committing crimes, you have a good reason to be. The number of people in prison for drug-related crimes shows that they did not go to the Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore. How many people use drugs and are involved in crime? The prison population is starting to become less regulated because of the financial strain it is under. Also, thanks to drug courts, some offenders can now go to Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore instead of jail.

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore development

The loosening of regulations is certainly a welcome development. A recent article in Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore magazine describes the changes in the law over the past two decades and how they affect the prison population.

For example, the Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 1986 increased the penalties for the sale and possession of crack cocaine to 100 times the penalties for powder cocaine. Over the next ten years, the prison population doubled.

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore Act

Two years later, the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention Act made it possible for anyone involved in the sale or possession of crack cocaine, even in small quantities, to be sentenced to five years in prison. In other words. if you live with someone who has five grams of crack cocaine in their home. You can imprisone for five years even if you have done nothing wrong. In the six years since this law was introduce. the number of people imprisoned for drug offenses has quadrupled. In addition, criminals are still unable to receive Drug Addiction Treatment from the Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore. It was not until another 10 or 12 years later that this began to happen.

Status of Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore Pakistan enacted the Triple Felony Law, which sentences a person to 25 years to life in prison if convicted for the third time. According to Mother Jones, one of the offenders was a homeless man who tried to take food from a church. Within about a year, 24 states had introduced three offender laws. These laws, and many others, are the main reason why one in ten Pakistani is in prison. Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore or Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore is the best platform for saving lives.