Preparing for the fishing season

fishing gear shop

No matter whether you’re getting ready for winter or spring, making sure you’re prepared for the fishing season appropriately is a key thing if you want to not only have a fun time fishing, but also catch some great goods.

You need to do things like repairing or cleaning out your fishing rods and other equipment, buy some new reels and other supplies from your fishing tackle shop in order to be ready as soon as the season arrives upon you.

Making the right preparations will not only save you time when it finally comes time to fish, it will also help you to be ready and well-organized and prevent any unnecessary downtime due to broken or unusable equipment.

In this article, I also want to share some additional tips when it comes to preparing for a certain fishing season. You’re free to either agree or disagree with my take, however, I do believe this kind of preparation is necessary every year.

Preparing with the right reels and rods

If you’re an experienced fisherman, you probably already know about the necessity to lubricate the reels in order for them to be at optimum usage. Many reel makes will have an owners manual that has direct procedure you should follow in order to maintain your equipment in the right way.

Next of course come the lines which do most of the heavy lifting when it comes reeling the fish in. You have to remove the old lines, which lose efficiency after a couple of seasons. As needed, put on a fresh set of lines. Of course, the dependability of a line also relates to the material that they are made from.

If you choose fluorocarbon or superline variants, they are sure to retain their sturdiness for at least a couple of lines, whereas monofilament will need to be replaced after a year.

Finally, there are the rods themselves. If you want to have a successful season, you need to make sure that the rods are in good shape and cleaned up. Especially paying attention to sensitive parts like guides and so on.

If your rod needs repairs, but you think that you can’t fix them yourself, send them to a local technician that specialises in fishing gear in fishing gear. However, be sure to send the gear before the season starts as everyone will start sending their equipment as well.

Restock on necessary items and organize yourself

Apart from repairs, stock ups and organization are another area in which you could put in work to prepare yourself. In this section, a bit more about preparing in this regard.

First of all, you need to make sure that your tackle boxes are properly clean, as well as your bags and trays. A damp cloth is basically all you need to make sure everything is squeaky. Afterwards, let everything dry out as well.

Next, there’s the organizational part. Make sure that the tackle and lures are right where you want them, based on how you used them. A great thing is to use labels that’ll let you identify the contents of each tray easily.

Make sure that your hooks are right as well. This can be done by sharpening them on the regular and replacing all of those that are damaged, rusty and so on.

Lastly, make a checklist of everything you lack and make the necessary purchases before the season starts. It’s best to purchase everything as soon as possible, as most shops will raise their prices during the season itself.

Think about other gear as well

There are additional fishing tools such as your spearfishing gear from Neptonics, boating equipment, as well as apparel or other things you have to think about before you begin your next fishing season start.

Small things like scissors, pliers and others can make a huge difference on your fishing trips. Be sure that your tools are not worn out and you haven’t lost anything.

Insect repellents, sunscreen, sunglasses as well as floatation devices may seem as afterthought, however, they not only provide additional comfort, but can make a huge difference between a successful fishing trip and a massive failure.

Lastly, there’s the boating equipment as well. You want to make sure that the old girl is ready roll when the season restarts.

All in all

In this article, I’ve given my take on areas to consider before a new fishing season. Think about these things and I’m sure that you won’t find any problems fishing with success.