Why Is It Important To Groom Your Beard and Benefits Of Beard Grooming


Since time immemorial, the beard has been an important part of man’s life. We come from the era where beard grooming was either neglected or was a very laborious and tiring process to the present times where science is betting on it through highly sophisticated beard growth kits.

Beards have always been considered as a sign of strength, courage, and dignity. Those with beards often consider it a sin to shave a beard off as they often have so much pride if their beard. This means grooming and maintaining their beard is of the upmost importance to them, which leads to the use of products like beard oils, a beard straightening brush, and trimmers to keep their beard looking full and luscious.

There are several benefits of a longer beard:

1.       Protection from sun rays and cold

Apart from beauty benefits, there are various health benefits too.

Beard protects the lower part of the face from the ageing effects of the UV rays. Beard can block 95% of the harmful UV exposure.

When it comes to the chilling winter it helps to keep the face warmer.

2.       Mature and intelligent looks

Especially if you have a babyface, the beard is your saviour, on an average men look 2-5 years older than their age.

It’s not certain why this is the case, maybe because most of the ancient scholars and great men had beards, or that they make you look more experienced and intelligent.

3.       Reduces bacterial infections 

Beard act as a buffer zone and prevents the entry of allergens and bacteria entering our respiratory tract, hence saves us from asthma and other pulmonary diseases.

4.       Attractive and masculine looks

This can be considered the primary reason why men grow a long beard. Men show their masculinity with beard, supporting this argument is women’s liking of beard men.

Women find beard men more attractive, confident and socially mature.

5.       Saves your precious time

To shave your face constantly wastes a lot of time. Imagine what you have done in that time- hobbies, reading, travelling etc.

6.       Natural moisturizer

The sebaceous gland in our mouth keeps the skin moisturized by producing natural oils naturally. Beard prevents you from rubbing off that oil from your face and hence save your skin from drying out.

7.       Signals authority and trustworthiness

In addition to maturity, responsibility, studies have suggested that facial hairs point to more trustworthiness and authoritative nature of the personality, which helps the person to gain an edge over others.

Long beard has been the dream of many, but due to reasons like genetics, DHT, poor diet, lower testosterone people could not have the dense, shiny and cleansed beard. Less beard induces the feeling of lower morale and confidence in man. In the studies, it is shown that men with beard are perceived as trustworthy and mature by women.

To grow a longer and dense beard it takes time. It is seen that the average length of beard hair growth is half an inch in a month, thus growing a long beard takes time. The maximum growth rate is between the age of 25-35 years. Perseverance and patience are the keys to grow beard thick and long.

Once you grow a longer beard its maintenance comes into the picture, which is equally important as the growth. Many products in the market specifically focuses on the beard and its related issues.

Buying them separately is a time-consuming and cumbersome process, instead, the option to buy a Luma Beard Kit is the better way out.  The whole pack contains almost everything ranging from beard comb to shampoo to moisturizer.

The beard growth kits have made our lives easier and the beard grooming industry is rising every year. These statistics correlate the passion of a man for the long beard and the importance of its grooming to have a majestic royal look on the face.