From helping deliver nutrients to body cells to improving one’s mood, there are several reasons we need to get hydrated. And according to the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, the required fluid intake is 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 for women. This is why having your own personalized water bottles can be significantly helpful.
They can also serve as a meaningful gift. Apart from being practical, they help express your care for the health of the recipient. But with the variety of bottles available in the market, how do you choose the perfect item for your recipient? Here’s a quick gift-buying guide.
Usage and function. While the aesthetics of personalized water bottles are important, you should first consider usage. If the recipient will use the water bottle during outdoor activities like biking or huking, then you should go for something durable. If a person likes to travel, you should get him or her a bottle that can withstand falls and impacts. Water bottles for indoor use are easier to choose because you have lesser elements to consider.
Size, shape, and weight. Most water bottles come in 0.5 to 1-liter capacities. For recipients who engage in more strenuous activities, you should buy bottles that can hold more water. As for the shape, experts recommend choosing slender bottles for outdoor use — for easier grip and storage. Take note that weight also matters. You should never comprise lightweightedness with durability.
Material. There are different materials used for water bottles. These include:
Plastic. This material is known for its durability. Be careful not to choose bottles with the harmful bisophenol A or BPA.
Stainless steel. Water bottles made from this one tend to be more insulated.
Aluminium. This strikes the perfect weight balance between plastics and stainless steels.
Polycarbonate material. Many reusable water bottles are made from this material — which is known to be lightweight and snap-resistant.
Extra features. Modern water bottles are also equipped with different features that take this beverage storage to a higher notch.
*Nozzle. Water bottles with nozzles are perfect for outdoor use. This feature helps you access your drink more conveniently.
*Lid style. While other bottles have straws, others have a twist-on lid style that allows users to drink more amounts of water. The most popular style for sports enthusiasts is the push-and-pull spout.
*Filter. To ensure the quality of water you drink, water bottles can now also come with an extra layer of filter near the bottle’s opening.
*Infuser. Want flavorful water? Check out bottles with fruit infusers. If you prefer to keep your drink cold, many are now offering ice infusers
Eco-friendliness. With growing concerns over sustainability, many manufacturers are now offering eco-friendly bottles. Especially if the recipient is a staunch advocate of the green movement, it will be a smart move to give him or her a bottle that resonates with his or her advocacy.
Personalization. Winter coat per are considered a wise gift idea. But if you opt for personalized water bottles, you add more layers of meaning to it. The gift becomes more unique — plus it’s a way to easily identify which water bottle is the recipient’s and which one is not.