Dipak Nandi: Outsourcing is The Need for The Rising DME Market

Dr. Dipak Nandi
Dr. Dipak Nandi

For the management of various medical conditions and illnesses, durable medical equipment (DME) is mainly used as it provides the advantage concerning convenience and therapeutic benefits to the patients.

 The DME market today is in fact quite popular due to the:

  • Rising prevalence of chronic diseases like heart disorder, cancer and many more which demand long term care and hospitalization treatment solution and is anticipated to facilitate the demand of durable medical equipment further.

  • According to the UN data in the year 2017, the population aged 60+ years was around 960 million, which accounted for 13.0% of the global population which today has increased 5times more than what it was. The rising number of elderly care centers due to the increasing generic base across the globe is also a reason to project to drive the DME market further. As elderly people with low immunity levels are more prone to skeletal, cardiac, and neurological problems leading to the demand for long-term care and recovery and finally durable pieces of medical equipment.

  • Playing an important role in long-term care after surgery at home or any other healthcare setting is also one of the other factors leading to the DME market as well.

However, even with such huge demand, stringent regulatory guidelines in developed economies, the DME medical billing domain lacks the skilled professionals to maintain the proper DME billing management; preventing the industry growth and leaving many healthcare practices for choosing an operational extension for their DME billing processes.

In fact, Dr. Dipak Nandi, MD who is also a recipient of several entrepreneurial awards, A proud member of the prestigious AIIMS alumni, and a board-certified psychiatrist; today has been involved across the United States and India with key strategic initiatives in healthcare services like medical billing and telemedicine who in this pandemic seeing an increasing growth and demand in the mental illness observed,  with the rising market demand one of the cost-effective solutions is outsourcing your DME billing services.  Outsourcing not only ensures seamless DME billing with complete operational transparency but takes the complete pre and post-billing responsibility ensuring a faster ROI.