Carpets-what is Better? DIY or Professional Installation?


Carpet Installation – DIY Vs Hiring Professionals

Installing carpets in your home is one of the best ways to improve the aesthetic value of your home. They offer incredible comfort. They are available in a wide range of materials, colors, and even designs. You can choose from a wide range of man-made and natural materials when it comes to carpets. These include woolen carpets, cotton carpets, nylon carpets, polyurethane, and many more. The price range is also broad, allowing nearly every household to purchase a carpet that fits their budget. The right carpet and the perfect installation can make your home look exotic. When it comes to carpet installation, you have the choice of letting professionals handle it or doing it yourself. The temptation of DIY carpet installation can be a hard one to resist but before you decide to install your carpet yourself, you need to know some facts. 

  • Although, installing a carpet may seem like an easy task to you but it requires a certain degree of technical skills.
  • You will only pay for the carpet you choose according to the measurements you require but you will have to purchase tools which might be costlier than paying the fitting cost.
  • Moreover, once you have managed to install your carpet, you won’t be using these tools again so they will be a waste of money.
  • The quality of the fitting will be entirely dependent on you. You will either end up with the perfect fit or the worst one. The chances of the latter are much higher.
  • If you cut the wrong measurements, you will not be entitled to claim a warranty. A wrong cut will also take away any aesthetic value which your carpet was supposed to provide you.

Materials & Tools you will Need for DIY Installation

You will need the following tools and supplies for installing your Carpets Walsall. If you don’t have them at home, you will have to buy them

  • Tackless Strips
  • Knee-Kicker
  • Carpet Stretcher
  • Seam Roller.

If you don’t know what these tools are, we highly advise against DIY installation.

 Professional Installation 

As we mentioned, carpet installation is not an easy task. If you choose to hire professionals, you should make sure that you get the best people. Many companies offer carpet installation services and almost all carpet retailers provide them as well. The best thing about letting the same retailer provide you with installation services is that your installation and your carpet will be secured by warranty. Make sure you hire a company with adequate experience. Go for retailers who offer a good warranty period. Read customer feedback and reviews to learn more about their carpets and their fitting skills.

Benefits of hiring professionals

  • Professional fitters will install your Carpets Walsallwhile maintaining high standards and ensuring quality work
  • If there is any problem with fitting such ripples, visible seams or your carpet is not properly fitted at the edges, you have the option of claiming your warranty. Many retailers will rectify the installation with just one phone call.
  • You can damage your carpet while using different tools, however, professionals have used these tools countless times in their life and are well experienced in handling them.

Carpet installing procedure

The basic steps of installing carpets include the following:

  •  The first step in carpet fitting is taking precise measurements of your room. Professional fitters will take extra care when measuring so that the carpet is cut accordingly.
  • First, professional carpet installers will carry out the removal of your old carpet. Many installers will also dispose of your old Carpets Northfield for an additional fee or maybe for free.
  • Installers will then install underlayment or underpad. Underlayment makes your carpet feel softer and also protects it from dirt. It also helps in reducing noise.
  • After installing the underlayment, the installers will begin fitting the carpet.

What should professional fitting look like?

Your carpet should snuggle your walls without revealing any edges. The carpet surface should be leveled and should not show any ridges or bumps. Where two pieces of carpets have to be joined, no seams should be visible. The seamless installation represents highly skilled fitters.