Strategies for a Beauty Brand to Grow Followers and Boost engagement


The new year has commenced, and you are done with all the celebration and now heading back to work thinking what these 12 months will bring along! The new year resolution of an average person is usually to become more successful, wealthy or gain a skill set that can contribute to a professional career! My new year resolution is to start a beauty brand, and after doing extensive research, I’ve found out that my goal is achievable when I’d have a massive following on Social media networks. Also, different studies demonstrate brands get more interaction on Instagram ( photo-centric platform) than the rival social media channels like Twitter or Facebook. The article unearths the expert’s advice on how a beauty brand can grow following and boost engagement.

Grow Instagram followers and keep experimenting  with content

Thousands of brands compete for customers’ attention – with such vast competition. It is often challenging to entice customers to click and even more laborious to turn that follow into sale or lead. Some beauty brands have perfected this, but they Buy Instagram followers to commence any campaign. To see what content strategy can be more beneficial, we suggest experimenting with different content and seeing what works best for you! Sometimes tutorials, quotes or behind the scenes bring more traction.

Create tutorials

Plenty of brands create beauty tutorials; generally, they have a high engagement ratio, promote the product and establish the brand as an industry leader in no time. Therefore, tutorials are regarded as the most popular content for beauty brands. Like if you have a makeup company, create a tutorial to teach viewers how to contour or style hair.

Have one-on-one conversation

You can acquire Instagram followers by having a one-on-one conversation with existing followers or being accessible for them every time they need. Over 72% of millennials confessed they are no any more loyal to brands that don’t give a timely response. Therefore, one should stay up to date with comments on posts and reply to the direct messages they receive. In addition, it will build the brand’s reputation as ‘Responsive and Respectful’ and give it a competitive edge.

Share user-generated content

Instagram beauty brands share user-generated content as this type of content receives 28% more engagement than any other type of content. Why? Because sharing this type of content shows how much a brand values its customers. It helps in building a cohesive community. Since we are talking about beauty brands, they are more like before and after pictures, reviews of satisfied customers or showing posts of customers applying the brand’s product also entice more customers to add more products to the cart.

Use brand-centric hashtag

A branded hashtag comes with endless benefits; your reach can be improved exponentially by adding a simple yet brand-oriented hashtag. You can also track a history of what your customers say about your product or services. Simply put, branded hashtags make it more convenient to interact with brands. For instance, you create a branded hashtag, namely #XYZcosmetics and encourage users to use the same! These simple tactics will help you better understand reviews about your brand’s products. It also plays a vital role in brushing up the existing strategy and making it more user-centric.

Host a contest or giveaway

Apart from growing Instagram followers by getting it from a reliable vendor, we suggest hosting contests or giveaways, too, as it can terrifically enhance the interaction and following. Different surveys suggest that contests or giveaways drive maximum engagement and direct many new visitors to your profile! The method is quite outdated, yet it still works for most brands.

Be inclusive

Today’s businesses can’t count upon similar products; therefore, you need to be inclusive or diverse to thrive. For instance, if you launch a foundation, be sure you launch it with more and more shades to cater to a wider set of audiences. It will help followers grow many folds, and it also improves the engagement metrics.

Use stickers to get feedback

One-third of the most viewed Instagram stories are from businesses – every brand should take advantage of it and make sure that they can drive more engagement through Instagram stories and stickers. Poll, quizzes and images entice viewers to interact with you, and this is how you get feedback, reviews, ask questions and do whatever you can to beef up the Instagram strategy. Be strategic and use it wisely to have amazing results for the business.

Develop a consistent image

Always maintain a recognizable brand to stand out or to possess viable distinction. Consistant brand image is crucial; you need to create a unique approach and go the extra mile to make your brand feel different.

Go live

Instagram live is another excellent feature that every brand should take advantage of. For example, Sephora, a renowned brand, generates tons of engagement by going live, again and again; they talk with influencers,  indulge in discussion with founders of the relavent industry and do real-time makeup tutorials with professionals who answer viewers’ questions. So be sure the live session creates value for the people who follow you.

Collaborate with influencers

One of the easiest yet pricy ways to quickly drive engagement and followers is by teaming up with influencers. However, make sure the influencer you partner with has a vast yet similar audience. Industry related influencers are mandatory; otherwise, this strategy will not work out the way it is supposed to do for you.

Wrapping up

No matter what walk you belong to, when you are on social platforms, especially Instagram, you want your content to be seen by maximum people. Well, you are not alone! Every brand vyes to gain amplified engagement as it is one of the crucial factors that determine a brand’s long-term success on the platform. Simply put, more Instagram followers are only achievable when you engage the existing followers rightly. So work on the tactics mentioned above; they don’t work only for beauty brand but also for construction sectors.