Why You Should Consider Writing Email Newsletters as Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Why You Should Consider Writing Email Newsletters as Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Did you know that email marketing done right is 40 times more effective than using Twitter and Facebook combined?

Effective email newsletters may help bridge the gap between generating leads and retaining satisfied customers. In the end, the folks you’re communicating with are the ones who gave you their email address and downloaded an eBook or subscribed to your blog.

Given that marketing departments in just about every business are already stretched enough, the idea of adding another channel to your mix may seem overwhelming. Trust us on this one: an email campaign with frequent external contact is a worthwhile investment of effort.

Keep on reading to learn all about the benefits of an email marketing strategy done right.

Email Newsletters Establish Your Brand Voice

Almost certainly, someone who clicked on one of your strategically placed CTAs sent you an email. Because they believe in you and want to hear more from you, they went the additional mile.

For these prospects, it’s time to get started curating material on a regular basis.

As long as you don’t only link to a few blog articles and offer a CTA for gated content, this doesn’t imply you should stop there. It’s a great chance for you to show readers who you are and how you differ from the competition.

Include stories from your firm while connecting to your most recent or most relevant blog entries.

Is there any chance you recently attended a convention? Let us know what you think about it. Do you have any strong feelings regarding any recent marketing news? Let us know how you believe the industry will be affected by this.

You may still convey your knowledge and personality even if your audience likes brief and to-the-point emails rather than anything that resembles a letter to a close friend.

A few paragraphs on your current views on the topic matter might help clarify why you’re included in each piece.

Drive Traffic to Your Content Library

When planning your blog strategy, it is important to include a significant amount of evergreen material in your content schedule.

For your email marketing efforts, having a backlog of original, long-lasting material on your blog is a must-have.

Personalization Through Segmentation

Prospects aren’t all created equal. Your newsletters aren’t either, and they shouldn’t be. You can’t send a piece of content that would be ideal for someone just beginning the buyer’s journey to someone who’s only one step away from completing a purchase.

As a business owner, you’ll need to deal with a variety of people, industries, and items when you get leads. Segmented campaigns allow you to tailor your email strategy to the individual needs of your customers and prospects.

Also, this is where the beauty of a distribution list shines.  

Digital Marketing Strategy: The Email Edition

If you’re still shaky on the foundations of your overarching marketing strategy, trying to integrate email newsletters can seem like a bit too much. 

But, it’s more than worth the effort. We hope that our little guide has shed some light on the numerous benefits of using email newsletters.

Next step, you’ll want to check our marketing section for more tips and advice on tailoring your email marketing strategy to your target audience.