Why Opt for Custom Printed Shipping Boxes for Subscription Services?

custom printed shipping boxes

Finding the right custom printed shipping boxes for sending subscriptions can be more daunting than it seems. Picking the apt packaging unit creates a world of difference to how the customers perceive the brand.

Custom boxes provide multiple functions for subscription brands. Not only do they offer custom strength and durability but offer branding galore too. Therefore, it makes them an investment that more than pays for itself!

But…. what are subscription shipping boxes?

Subscriptions are part of a dynamic and thriving industry fueled by e-commerce. As people switch their shopping preferences, they opt for subscriptions services that deliver their favorite products and services right to their door.

These can be anything ranging from food items, medicines, cosmetics, wellness products, to magazines and digital services. All these are shipped directly to customers’ locations monthly or weekly.

Brands in this industry thrive upon repeated and continued subscriptions by customers. They tend to give them a pleasing buying experience to encourage them to be brand loyal. But this isn’t as easy due to the increasing number of rival companies entering the markets every year.

To make the most of the opportunity, brands want to ensure that they provide 3 basic facilities to customers:

  1. Safe shipment
  2. Surprising box appeal
  3. Memorable shopping sentiments

The shipping boxes are undoubtedly the main component that helps brands achieve greater customer satisfaction. They are also used to retain buyers for life. But it all starts with selecting the right box type for subscription items.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the nuances of box selection. We are here to help to identify your perfect box type. Have a look.

Cost: The foremost element that influences any business decision is the costs involved. Choosing the shipping boxes is no different.

You have to define your spending limits to judge how much your business can afford to spend on shipping boxes. The best thing is that the shipping boxes made of corrugated materials are highly flexible. They can adjust to your spending limits. The box dimensions and design aspects can be altered according to your specifications. These are dually beneficial to managing costs by:

  • Be made of the precise required product sizes and save on extra material utilization.
  • Protect products better to avoid maximizing replacement costs.
  • Use designs, colors, and printing techniques that fit into pockets.

A manageable bottom line is predominantly responsible for elevated profitability levels.

Box configuration: shipping boxes don’t have to always come in the standard format. Innovative shapes are appreciated by customers and intelligently save on materials too.

Decide what box form would suit your brand image and products. Subscriptions are sent frequently and hence a strong box formation with easily achievable shapes is an efficient way to maintain timely deliveries. You don’t want to opt for too complex forms that waste time. Also picking simple and generic shapes can deter brand visibility plans.

The right shape is the one that sticks out while being cost-effective. Professional box makers can give a plethora of custom printed shipping boxes’ shapes to pick from.

Design: How do you want to present your subscription brand?

The box designs convey brand ethos and values. Picking the right box also depends on how you want your customers to see your business. Does it need to be displayed as fun, offbeat, serious, mysterious, or customer-friendly? The final box must be spacious enough to accommodate the products and the branding objectives.

Many brands choose mailer boxes or folding cartons. They prove useful to box small items, fragile products, and support all kinds of printing formats. The outer box cover can be customized to exhibit branding. Just make sure to add on protective laminations and place your brand image prominently to make a mark.

Customer base: Not all customers expect to see the same box appearance. The type of shipping box you pick must be aligned with your customer demographic needs.

You can conveniently categorize your consumers based on gender, age, nationality, and/or language. For example, English is commonly spoken in the west but if you plan to send subscriptions Eastern countries then ensure to print the boxes with specific languages. People living in certain countries demand a simplistic box appeal rather than buyers based in metropolitan cities who look for quirky box vibes.

Identifying these is helpful to attain the right box for every demographic. Brands that successfully impart personalized shopping feel gain from inflated sales and a stronger customer base.

Branding: Will a mailer box be effective in conveying important graphics?

Custom box sizes make it possible to attain the right box dimensions but the box layout must match your branding plans.

Creative box printing is tricky; it needs ample planning and on-point content to entice customers. You need to sketch out how you want the branding components to appear on the boxes. This would guide you better as to which sort of shipping boxes would be best for your brand.

If your branding content is more horizontal, then picking mailer boxes can work. Otherwise, you can settle for cylindrical shipping boxes. The final box shape matters to convey the exact brand details in the desired way.

Marketing objectives: Modern boxes are closely attached to providing the ultimate unboxing experience.

Subscription brands depend highly on positive word of mouth and featuring in social media unboxing videos is the most powerful tool to reach more customers. Buyers view these videos before ordering their subscriptions. The customer services offered coupled with the box appeal makes the brand an overnight hit.

If your aim is to reach an expanded audience while gaining from cost-free advertising, then picking quirky box cuts is the ideal option. You can also customize your shipping boxes to add layers, trays, personal texts, and distinct box components.

This way your customers would remember your brand and be enticed to keep up with their subscriptions in the future.


You have just witnessed how crucial selecting custom printed shipping boxes is for your brand promotions. Start creating them now!