Who says sales call recording is NOT important?

A woman sitting on a chair wearing a headset with a mic and a laptop on the table

Are you looking to amplify the efficiency of your sales process?

In case you answered “Yes”, we’ve got you covered.

A sales call recording software is a tool that helps extract the most significant customer insights by analysis. The data and analysis can be stored, and shared with the team.

Do you want to know how?Check this.

Today’s post will show how a call recording system can be the wisest investment for your business and how your sales calls can benefit from the software system.

So, let’s dive in!

What is call recording software?

A sales call recording software is a cloud-based tool that records the conversation between prospects and sales representatives. It’s a VoIP technology software that automatically captures meetings and saves them.

VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. It means that users can call via the internet without needing a local phone call service.

Generally, when a prospect receives a call, the call recording system automatically asks for their permission and starts recording the call. It helps companies know essential customer insights, such as specific keywords or terms they’re using, pain points, and capturing ultimate emotions. Knowing such specifics helps reps in the conversion process.

Why do companies record phone calls?

Hubspot interviewed business professionals of top industries from multiple countries and asked them to give their thoughts If you are not listening to both sides on the conversation, 

One of their feedback was, 

“How can you know what is being accomplished on the call? Without

all of the information, how do you know why the agent pulled up

Facebook? Perhaps, the agent is not paying attention to the caller

and is updating their own status. Or, perhaps, the agent is logging

into Facebook to pull up the caller’s Facebook account to verify

their information.on why they use customer recording software.”

Companies record phone calls for the following significant reasons:

  1. To Identify the processes, systems, and workflows that aren’t working

Companies have to pull up a large amount of data to connect the dots between what’s working and what isn’t. In enterprise-level companies, call recording softwares are used to identify the systems and the processes to know where the recovery is needed.

Call recording is a part of improving the quality of services. When the companies observe that their clients are facing issues while using the software, companies need to immediately take action on it and resolve the action.

  1. Marketing and branding

Have you ever discussed the buyer’s persona, sales journey, and customer service with your marketing team? 

The marketing team forms the core of your company. They create marketing campaigns that give you the desired output and generate revenue for your company. 

You should introduce them to the clients to know what they want to accomplish, their goals, pain points, and struggles. To design better campaigns that cater to customers’ specific needs. 

  1. Motivating and rewarding staff members

Companies analyze the performance of sales reps through call recording software.

It allows you to know which sales reps are performing exceptionally well and the ones that needs to be trained more.

Sales reps who perform well are rewarded. It boosts their spirit, and they work with more enthusiasm.

Would you like to know more about improving the sales performance of your team?

  1. Quality assurance

Top-notch companies in the world let their customer service rep listen to their conversation with the customers. They believe it’s the best way to improve the quality of service.

Both the employees and management can assess the overall performance of the sales rep and make improvements where ever required.

Is recording a call legal in the united states?

Call recording regulations in the united states are in the following manner. Different states are divided into two categories based on the law.

One-party Consent: Federal law allows call recording with the consent of at least one of the party members. It emphasizes that at least one of the members should be well aware that the call is being recorded.

Two-party Consent: U.S law states that two parties must consent before recording the call. A notification saying “This call is now being recorded” should be sent to both parties before recording.

How does call recording software work?

A call recording software provides the following features:


Transcription involves converting the speech/voice form of data into texts. Transcription helps you get word-to-word data on what the prospects actually said.


A call recording system records sales calls via video conferencing and cloud telephony recording platforms.


Analyzing the call involves extracting essential insights such as keywords, terms, questions, and pain points and highlighting them.

Dispense Call insights 

The call recording software automatically shares the recording into the inbox of sales team members via Slack or Google Chat.

Store recordings

It stores the call recording according to your preferences to use it in the future.

Create Call Playlist

You’ll be able to keep the call recordings in a playlist of your preferred topics.


Last but not the least, salespeople can share the call recordings with the team members or clients anytime.

How can a call recording software help your company?

A call recording software helps to meet each aspect of your company differently.

Whether your sales team, sales leaders, or sales representative, it can make everybody’s life easy.

So, let’s take a closer look at which teams and individuals can benefit from call recording software.

Sales Leaders

Sales leaders monitor, train, recruit, and coach teams. They need to analyze each sales rep’s performance.

Call recording software helps leaders assess the team member’s communication skills by how they communicate with the prospects.

It gives them an idea of their performance, skillsets, strengths, and weaknesses.

Then, sales leaders can create sales training and product training based on their insights from the sales recording software.

They can store recordings in a structured format and create a playlist.

Did you know that call recording software can improve cross-team collaboration?

Sales & Marketing Teams

The main job of the sales and marketing team is to create marketing campaigns, set campaign goals, determine the KPI, and analyze them. For which they need to know customer insights. 

To create campaigns that convert leads into clients, they need to know the customer behavior, purchasing psychology, pain points, likes, dislikes, and interests.

Sales teams never get a chance to interact with the audience directly. A sales call recording software can let them analyze the audience thoroughly, know relevant insights, and tailor the marketing campaigns to cater to the audience’s specific needs.

Similarly, sales teams need to know at what stage of the buyer’s journey the prospects are to prepare the messaging accordingly.

Sales Development Representatives

Sales reps perform the duties such as cold calling, prospecting, and handling client objections, where they need to talk a lot with clients.

Their primary focus is to understand the prospects and know their pain points, requirements, likes, and dislikes, and are interested in their buying psychology to convert better.

You can’t expect SDRs to record sales calls or take quality notes. That would be a total distraction to their work. 

When you have a call recording system, it can automatically record calls and share them with the team. They don’t need to get into the rut of recording and storing them because the software does it automatically.

Are you excited to 10x your ROI?

The suitable investment in your business is the seed you sow to reap the fruits of a great ROI.

With Convin’s AI-based conversation intelligence tool, we assure you the highest quality, secure and efficient call recording service that’ll significantly improve your conversion rates.

Can’t you believe it? Sign Up today!!

And that too for FREE!

To learn more about it, click here!