What Should I Do Before Coming for Embroidery?


You will undergo a thorough consultation, such as consent, to make sure you don’t have any underlying medical contraindications that necessitate a doctor’s approval prior to operations.

We will outline the things you should be aware of before receiving therapy so that you will know what to expect from it better.

Our brow embroidery method of treatment is non-invasive. The top layer of skin, known as the epidermis, is treated fractionally with embroidery, semi-permanent makeup, mesotherapy, or MTS. Either severe bleeding or a profound skin invasion will result. However, if you have experienced or are now experiencing any of the following conditions, there may be certain contraindications or undesirable side effects:

Major Procedures

You will have limited tolerance for topical anesthetic cream since procedures like organ and plastic surgery that need general anesthesia require general anesthesia. Before undergoing any of our professional services near the treatment region, it is advised to wait at least 1 to 3 months for the wound and swelling to heal.

A Major Injection

The skin will inflate as a result of Botox, fillers, or any other deep skin beauty drip. Before receiving any professional services, we advise you to wait one month for the skin to calm down.


The various types of skin allergies. Some are contagious, while others are current. It is not advised to use any of our expert services when suffering from contagious skin conditions including chicken pox, cold sores, impetigo, shingles, ringworm, MRSA, scabies, molluscum, etc.

Eczema, dermatitis, poison ivy, toxic epidermal necrosis, rashes, acne, and other non-contagious skin problems can all be treated by our professionals, unless they are very severe. Please seek medical attention from a professional.

Supplements and medicines

Patients with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and heart conditions shouldn’t receive treatment. Please speak with our practitioner before receiving therapy if you want to test.

Drinking and Smoking

Skin irritation may result from drinking and smoking. Three days previous to treatment, please abstain from drinking and smoking. It might also result in dry skin and skin thinning.

Facial therapy

Before receiving our professional treatment, keep your skin moist and hydrated. We can also provide you with TCM lymphatic detox treatment. The faster the results take action, the better our embroidery and any mesotherapy treatments will absorb.


Each person varies. After the treatment is over, you might experience some redness, swelling, or a stimulating effect. The effects will disappear within a few hours or days. So please take care to prepare yourself free from huge events if you have sensitive skin. Please check the availability of our expert services.

This includes eyeliner embroidery Singapore and other microblading services.


You need to take good care of your womb and fetus while pregnant. At this time, refrain from getting any unnecessary chemicals, skin stimulation, or skin abrasion. Many congratulations! You can still use eyelash extensions, natural face treatments, and makeup. You should wait two months post-partum before doing any mesotherapy or embroidery therapies. After giving delivery, make a reservation with us!

Be ready for the result.

Before making a choice, do some study. Each person varies. Pick the top local artist!