What is pixel pitch?


Led displays are no strangers to anyone concerned about the display industry, but what is pixel pitch? What does that mean? Maybe not everyone can give the correct answer. The following is the perspective given by the engineer.

What is Pixel Pitch?

Pixel pitch represents the density of pixels (LED chips) on an fine pitch LED display and is related to resolution. Sometimes referred to as dot spacing, it specifically refers to the distance (in millimeters) from the center of a pixel to the center of an adjacent pixel. The pixel pitch represents the size of the space between the two pixels, so the smaller the pixel pitch, the less space between the pixels. That is, the pixel density is higher and the screen resolution is higher.


● Pixel pitch refers to the density of pixels

● A small pixel pitch means a high pixel density and resolution.

● Pixel pitch is important because it affects the display distance.

● The smaller the pixel pitch, the smaller the display distance.

● The display distance of the screen also reflects the pixel pitch value.

Why is the pixel pitch so important?

Pixel pitch is very important as it affects the display distance of the screen. The lower the pixel pitch value, the smoother the edges of the image and the finer the details. This allows viewers to get closer to the screen and enjoy clearer images without having to look at individual pixels. When determining screen distance and pixel pitch, the rule of thumb is that the smaller the pixel pitch, the shorter the screen distance. Conversely, increasing the pixel pitch also increases the display distance. A 1.2 mm screen, therefore, has a higher resolution and a shorter viewing distance than a 16 mm screen.

Higher pixel densities can improve visual quality, but in either case, a lower pixel pitch doesn’t mean it’s ideal. The extra pixel density is intended to provide a shorter viewing distance. The longer the screen distance, the higher the pixel density, the less visual benefit and the higher the cost.

Which pixel pitch can meet my needs?

In general, the smaller the pixel pitch, the higher the resolution, but the higher the price. More LED chips are required to produce higher pixel densities, resulting in higher material and manufacturing costs.

That begs the question, which pixel pitch is appropriate? The answer is that consumers can determine the pixel pitch value of an fine pitch LED display by determining the screen display distance. The so-called viewing distance is the critical point of image fidelity. If the viewer is too close, the picture quality will be poor and the screen will be grainy.

For example, a display with an interactive touch solution requires a small pixel pitch to provide a clear image to nearby viewers. LED screens that play in front of the audience, and LED screens that hang on stage, can use higher pixel pitches. Simply put, lowering the pixel pitch can yield a high-quality image, but if the screen is far from the viewer, no additional investment is required.

The industry generally uses three methods to determine the acceptable viewing distance.

10x Rule: This is an easy way to calculate an approximate estimate of a visually sensitive distance.

The calculation formula is as follows. Pixel pitch x 10 = estimated display distance (in feet)

Vision Sensitive Distance: Also known as the distance to the retina, people with 20/20 vision need to move away from the screen in order for the fine pitch LED display to display a coherent image rather than a pixelated one. Refers to the distance.

The calculation formula is as follows. Pixel pitch x 3438 = visually sensitive distance (in feet)

Average comfortable viewing distance: This is an estimate of the comfortable viewing distance for most people. This is a subjective estimate that takes into account variables such as human visibility, content resolution, and content type.

There is some guidance with these methods, but in reality there is no supposedly good answer in determining viewing distance. The display distance of the screen ultimately depends on whether the screen owner is comfortable.