I am often asked this question, because we have found that this is the best way to describe our work. Basically, that’s exactly what it is. Functional medicine is concerned with restoring optimal function to a body part or system. Integrative medicine refers to the integration of as many therapeutic options as are needed to adequately treat a person.
And neurology, of course, is the medicine that deals specifically with the brain and neuraxis (the entire nervous system). In my practice, we treat patients with neurological disorders without the use of drugs or surgery. This concept is very difficult for most to grasp because we as a society have assumed that diseases can only be treated with drugs and surgery. However, this is hardly the case. It is unfortunate that so many people are convinced by advertising that the best answer to an everyday problem is a radical and toxic solution as the first course of action.
In fact, many of the problems I treat patients for respond better to drug therapies that often make things worse rather than fix them. Vertigo, vertigo, balance disorders, and dystonia are some of these conditions. This also happens to be the focus of my practice. Our practice offers effective treatment strategies based on modern principles of applied neuroscience and the individuality of each patient.
Because I am able to assess the functional status of each patient’s neurological system and determine specific and individualized neurological treatment methods using non-invasive procedures, I can develop a successful treatment strategy. These procedures are designed to promote targeted changes in the brain and nervous system. Using these types of brain-based targeted treatments allows us to better understand the neurological spectrum of disorders and gives us the opportunity to help the many patients who suffer from these conditions.
Visit us Neurology hospital in Dubai