What Decreases Employee Morale

Source: Stokkete / shutterstock

Maintaining good employee morale is crucial for a company to stay afloat. There are many tips on how to help employees feel seen and heard so their confidence and enthusiasm for their work are in a good place. However, sometimes there are instances where situations or cases leave employees with low morale. This is not what you want unless your goal is to lose employees as well as customers. Though knowing what leaves the morale of your employees low can be beneficial so you know what to avoid doing. 

If you understand that your employees need a serious morale boost, you may need to conduct an investigation to know what exactly needs to change within your organization. Visit https://bizzdesign.com/ to find some help to go through this change the best your company can.

Here are the points why employee morale might be decreasing.

  • They can’t find the meaning in what they are doing

If an employee can’t understand why they are doing what they are doing, why would they want to keep doing it? If employees know for certain the meaning behind their work they will want to keep doing it. But detrimental behavior starts when an employee finds their work lacks any meaning, especially in their own minds. It’s important to remind employees of the importance of what they’re doing or else their enthusiasm will wane and so will their productivity.

  • The work environment is unpleasant

No one wants to work in an environment where things feel tense and unpleasant. It will just create a dreadful feeling to come to work and all employees will be thinking about is wanting to leave. They will be unproductive, disengaged, and stressed. This is not an environment that is sustainable for the employees or the company. 

This problem doesn’t always have to be constant, it can also be in certain situations. An example is when there is a deadline the whole company has to meet and in those times the environment turns into something unpleasant, leaving morale low for a while. If that’s the case it’s important to make sure a plan is in place to get through it.

  • A lack of acknowledgment

It’s always a pleasant feeling as an employee knowing your hard work is noticed and appreciated. But if employees make out that their work is going unacknowledged, they will start to think what the point is in working hard. Getting rewarded for a job well-done will promote good morale among employees and encourage them to work hard because they’ll know it will be worth it. But if all they are getting is constant criticism, they will feel discouraged.

  • There are no safeguard choices

When there are no measures in place to protect employees from workplace stressors and no help to better their mental health, it will impact the employees in a negative way. If they are left to deal with the stress the work brings them by themselves, the quality of their work won’t be up to par with the company’s standards. Stress at the workplace will also affect the moods of the employees and they will end up showing that in the way they treat customers. If a customer has a bad experience with an employee due to these issues, it’s up to the company to rectify that by having a safeguard.