What Causes Thinning Hair? 5 Main Causes and Treatments


Do you worry about how you look? If so, you certainly aren’t alone.

In fact, most people spend a great deal of time and money on their appearance. This is part of human nature. Especially when it comes to your hair.

Thinning hair is a big problem for many people. It can be embarrassing. But what exactly causes thinning hair in adults? You’ve come to the right place for answers.

This article takes a look at common causes of bald spots as well as thin hair treatments that can help. Keep reading to learn what causes thinning hair and how to address it.

1. Heredity

Believe it or not, your family history plays a huge role in hair loss. Just take a look at photos of your parents and grandparents and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what your future holds.

Hereditary baldness generally occurs gradually, resulting in predictable patterns, including a receding hairline, bald spots, or thinning along the crown of the scalp.

Heredity is obviously responsible for any number of health issues. It typically impacts hair loss as you age. It’s a condition called androgenic alopecia, which is commonly referred to as male-pattern or female-pattern baldness.

2. Stress

It’s no secret that stress can impact the human body in a number of damaging ways. It can lead to cancer, ulcers, high blood pressure, as well as contributing to heart disease. Stress is also a very common cause of thinning hair.

Typically, stress will result in hair loss following an intense experience or emotional shocks such as the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or extreme financial difficulties. And while this type of hair loss is often temporary, it can also lead to long term balding in some people.

3. Hormonal Changes

Changes in your hormones is another of the leading causes of thinning hair, especially in women. This includes hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, or when experiencing thyroid problems.

A medical condition called alopecia areata that affects the immune system will often result in scalp infections and patchy hair loss.

Scalp camo is a great solution to consider if you find yourself in this situation.

4. Medications

Medications can also cause hair loss. This is especially true of certain drugs used to treat cancer, depression, high blood pressure, and arthritis.

If you experience thinning hair when taking medications, be sure to talk to your doctor to see if they offer an alternative or make adjustments to your current prescriptions.

5. Nutritional Deficiencies

Perhaps you’re not getting enough of the necessary vitamins or minerals needed for healthy hair. Diets that are low in protein or iron will often result in excessive hair thinning. When this is the case, you should have your doctor perform a blood test to see if a nutritional deficiency might be part of the problem.

A Guide to Understanding What Causes Thinning Hair

Hair loss isn’t the end of the world, and yet for many people, it can still represent a significant form of embarrassment. Fortunately, this guide will help give you a better understanding of what causes thinning hair so you can do something about it.

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