What are the side effects of Viagra?

Illustration depicting the top half of a human body, including the internal organs

What are the side effects of Viagra?

Viagra is a medication that works to reduce erectile dysfunction in men who cannot maintain or have an erection. This pill dilates the blood vessels of the penis, allowing a greater amount of blood to enter and, therefore, produce an erection.

There are many myths about taking this medication and at OneHowTo we want to help you learn a little more about the side effects of Viagra in order to find out all the risks involved with this medicine.

Steps to follow:

Like any other type of medication, people taking Viagra may experience some side effects that are more common than others. Next, we indicate the effects that the intake of Viagra can produce, those that have been most frequently experienced by patients:

  • Headache
  • Facial redness (blushing)
  • Stomach aches and pains
  • Blurry vision
  • Vision with a higher color intensity
  • Nasal congestion
  • Pain in the back area
  • Muscle pain and/or discomfort
  • dizziness and nausea
  • The appearance of rash on the skin

Among the most frequent side effects of Viagra, we highlight that headache is the one that most patients suffer from, in fact, 1 in 10 patients say they experience this ailment.

However, there are other effects that are also very common: around 10% of people who take Viagra have experienced ailments such as:

  • facial redness
  • Indigestion
  • altered vision
  • Nasal congestion
  • feeling dizzy

Less common Viagra side effects are those experienced by between 1 and 10 people in 1,000; The ailments they have suffered from include the following:

  • vomiting
  • Skin rash
  • Vision disturbances: pain, double vision, eye spill, eye irritation
  • Irregular or faster than normal heartbeat
  • Muscle pains
  • Drowsiness and/or feeling tired
  • Vertigo
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dry mouth
  • Chest pain

Then there are also the adverse side effects of Viagra, that is, those that very few people suffer from between 1 and 10 people out of 10,000 patients. These ailments include:

  • high or low blood pressure
  • Fainting
  • stroke
  • nose bleed
  • The sudden decrease in hearing

At OneHowTo we indicate that before taking Viagra, it is essential that you go to a specialist doctor who will tell you if this medicine is suitable for your circumstances and, if so, indicate the recommended dosage in your case.

  • You must take into account that Viagra is contraindicated to:
  • Under 18 years old
  • Women
  • People who take medicines called “nitrates”
  • People allergic to sildenafil

At OneHowTo we help you to know if you have erectile dysfunction and we tell you what to do in the event of suffering a trigger or erectile dysfunction.

The use of viagra and its contraindications

The drug, sildenafil, marketed under the name Viagra 150mg, can help men with erectile dysfunction maintain an erection firm enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. But like any other medication, its use can have side effects.

Urologist Javier Semrik, from the Urology service of the Centro de Salud hospital, said that the most common side effects are headaches, nausea, hot flashes, and dizziness, but many men do not perceive any adverse effects.

“The treatment of erectile dysfunction is with a multidisciplinary approach. The risks depend a lot on the patient and we have two extremes: one very fearful, that even with the medical indication they are afraid, and others that are not careful and buy them at the pharmacy without any indication.

Who should not take Viagra?

The use of sildenafil is contraindicated in patients taking nitroglycerin or other nitrates for the treatment of myocardial infarction. This interaction can be very serious. Those who take nitroglycerin suffer from serious illnesses. A person with severe heart failure can’t breathe, they suffocate. The same applies to those suffering from severe kidney, liver or respiratory failure, who are also unable to have an active sexual life.

There are other isolated contraindications, such as certain patients with retinitis pigmentosa or uncontrolled hypertension, but the expert affirms that “these are very specific cases”.

This article is merely informative, at one HOW TO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the event of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.