Ways to Protect Appliances From Power Surges 

Appliance Repair
Appliance Repair

The power surges in your home could cause costly destruction to electronic devices and appliances that are connected to any outlet. It is possible to notice a massive surge that can cause major damage. However, you might not be aware of several small surges that last just a few milliseconds or less. They may cause damage that accumulates over time.

Modern home appliances are outfitted with modern electronics that increase their efficiency and also enhance our living standards. But, with the rise in technology and sophistication comes the risk of damages caused by power surges. 

The frequency of power surges is higher than you realize. That is why purchasing surge protection devices is smart since it protects the appliance from being damaged. It also shields your family members and property in case of electrical incidents that could occur without it. In any case, the damage that power surges can cause to appliance repair, computers, and costly TVs can cost you a lot. 

What is a surge in power?

A sudden increase in the voltage across the electrical circuits within your home is referred to as an energy surge. The typical voltage for most households is between 120 and 125 volts and can reach peaks of the 169-volt mark. In the event of a power surge that happens, the voltage increases dramatically. The rapid increase in voltage can push a large amount of electric current through your system and all devices that are connected to it, even when they’re off.

Cause a power surge:

A lot of people associate power surges with natural phenomena like lightning strikes. However, the causes of power surges will vary. Here are a few of the most commonly reported reasons for power surges:

Dead power line:

When ice, snow, wind, or a falling tree limb knocks down the power line, wild fluctuations in the electrical voltage could occur before the power goes out completely. This could result in power interruptions. However, it is an equally common cause for power surges.


Though it is not the most frequent surge in power lightning strikes, it can also be the most spectacular. Millions of voltages measure the amount of electrical energy released from a lightning strike. If it reaches a high voltage through your home’s system, it may cause electrical appliances to burn. 

Bad wiring:

Damaged, old, and cracked wiring that’s been chewed up by mice, as well as the wiring that has been improperly installed are all common causes of power surges. For example, if your lights flash when you turn on your refrigerator, or you notice buzzing sounds coming from the wiring in your home, then you could be at risk of electrical surges or electric fire.

Appliances that switch between on and off:

When your compressor for your refrigerator or air conditioner is activated, it may temporarily strain the electrical system. This surge in demand could be the cause of power surges because it interrupts the circulation of power. 

High power consumption:

If the electricity demand is particularly high, for instance, during a hot day and everyone is using their air cooling systems, a surge in power could result. Utility and power suppliers may struggle to meet the demand. The science behind surges in power

A steady and consistent supply of power to your residence requires an intricate system of lines, generators, and transformers, as well as monitoring points and circuits, each of which could be a location for power surges to occur at home. Any malfunction in the system could trigger the voltage to rise to thousands or hundreds of voltages. The spike can last for just a few seconds, but it could cause significant destruction. 

Electronic devices and appliances that are most sensitive to damage by a surge of power are

  • Computers
  • Televisions
  • Refrigerators
  • Ovens
  • Dishwashers
  • Microwaves
  • Dryers/washers
  • Security systems
  • Anything that has an integrated microprocessor

How to protect appliances:

Set up a voltage stabilizer:

Stabilizers are commonplace in many homes today as an excellent way to ensure that your appliances are in a good state during fluctuations in voltage.

In a voltage surge that stabilizers experience, it receives the power and provides only the amount of power needed to operate the appliance. Therefore, you should install a stabilizer at home and ensure that your appliances are secure. Appliance repair in Columbus must be done on time.

Install a whole-house power surge protector:

Installing a device like this will protect your home from any electrical harm that might occur. A surge protector will help divert the high-voltage surge and energy and can also stop electric fires. So, you’ll be able to safeguard your appliances and save on electricity.

Make sure that appliances are protected by resolving the wiring:

This is a different tip you should be aware of. Wires are often damaged when they’re not in good condition, or there is a pest problem. If you notice an unpleasant smell coming from your outlets, or any noise there, it is best to ask an electrician to inspect the wiring.

Unplug appliances during lightning and storms:

This is the fundamental rule to ensure your appliances are safe from electrical surges. Do not use any of your appliances during storms or lightning. Also, keep the ones that are not plugged in.

You can use additional power protection:

Certain types of household appliances can be extremely sensitive. Computers, televisions, refrigerators, and so on. To protect them from surges in voltage, you can install them on top of the power security systems within your home.

To run cable lines and phone connections, you can utilize surge stations. These are efficient for running various appliances. When it comes to computers, you can utilize a UPS to secure the computer.

Purchase appliances that can handle the voltage surge:

If you live in regions where voltage fluctuations are commonplace, you need to be cautious when purchasing electrical appliances. Be sure that they are efficient in absorbing voltage spikes. Certain appliances have an internal stabilizer. It is possible to choose these.

Install the indoor installation checked regularly:

Last but not least it is among the most important points you must remember. Regularly to ensure your appliances are secure.


The power surge can take an enormous toll on modern appliances and destroy sensitive and costly devices without warning. Therefore, if you own electronic devices, appliances, or other gadgets that you wish to save and secure, be sure to get yourself the right surge protection. You have to do appliance repair when they need it. When the power levels increase to a point considered acceptable, the surge protector redirects the extra energy to its stranded wire. Hopefully, this guide will be helpful for you to protect your home. 

Also Read: Common Appliance Problems and Tips to Fix Them