5 Amazing Ways to Increase Worth of Your Candles


Candles are a must in any retail store and you will find plenty of types of candles in there. From the very basic types to the modern container candles. All the amazing shapes and types of candles look very beautiful. They are exactly made according to the purpose for which they are going to be used. If we look at tower candles, they have a simple purpose of lightening the surrounding area, while the container candle is perfect for gift giving. Hence, they all have structures that suits their usage in daily life. Same is the case with boxes for candles, their structure and design also depend on the type of candle. For candle manufacturers, the competition is getting strong, therefore, it is important to work smartly for maximum product exposure.

Use of Scent in Candles

In the market, we see different kinds of candles, but now scented candles are getting the attention of the buyer. The reason is that they can change the whole atmosphere of the surrounding area so people can feel good. People tend to buy these candles, even if the price is relatively high as compared to the ordinary candles. Plus, for selling candles it will be an easy approach to be unique and different from others. It can create more chances of sales no matter what kind of candles you are selling. On the whole, it will assist you reaching your goal of getting more sales in less time.

Make use of Creative Box Packaging

When you display candles in the retail store, you must make sure that they get attention of potential buyer. The reason is it will increase the chance of sale. To do this, your boxes for candles must be very special. They should be designed in such a way that customers feel surprised to see them. As you know there are various companies selling the candles. To stand out among them, your candles must look different and special, only a good box can help you. Try to make it interesting with the help of printing. Choose good color scheme, try special finishing options, make use of attractive images and you are good to go. All these things matter if you really want your candles to look special.

If you want to pack more candles in a single box, then you must add inserts inside. This will make the candles look very organized and add to the presentation. Especially, if you are using it for gift purpose, boxes with inserts are mandatory. It will look more charming, creative and special to the gift recipient. Furthermore, it is better to avoid the two piece box for candle, because it can damage the contents candles. It is advisable to only use tuck end for candles or for luxury ones, sleeve and tray style is also a good choice. We provide all these custom boxes at your own choice design.

Introduce Special Candles for Gifts

In recent times, the candle has become popular for gift giving. Especially, for business gifts it has become one of the favorite items. Therefore, if you make candles, you must introduce a special kind of candle for gift giving. The only thing which you will add is the gift box in which you will add the ribbons and other embellishments. This will create a surprising impact on your customers and they will love to buy it for gift giving. Also, you can add tags and other decorative add-ons for customers to write the name of the recipient in it. This whole effort will be very beneficial for you in terms of increasing sales.

Produce Lightweight Candles

From past few years, a various new types of candles have been introduced. They are heavier and it is hard to carry them in bulk quantity. Plus, they can break easily during shipping and transport. Hence, there is need for lightweight candles in the market. All the above mentioned ways can be very helpful for you if you are in the business of candle manufacturing. Especially, boxes for candles that are custom made must be acquired that help in shipping as well as for display. You can find various companies for box manufacturing and order them in bulk quantity whenever you need.