The Top 4 Benefits of Curated Content

The Top 4 Benefits of Curated Content

There are over 4.7 billion social media users worldwide.

For your brand to grow, you should have a strong social media presence, and content curation can be very helpful with this. Curated content is content that another business delivers, and your brand shares via social media. Adding this to your digital marketing strategy can help your brand in several ways.

For a rundown of 4 key content curation benefits, keep reading.

1. Saves Time

Content creation isn’t always easy. It takes time to come up with ideas, write copy, design graphics, etc. By having another company curate content for your brand, you can skip these steps.

On top of saving time, this will save your brand money. You won’t need to hire additional employees to create content for you. Time and money are perhaps the two most valuable resources any business has, so saving on these is ideal.

2. Builds Relationships

In business, networking is crucial. Having another brand curate content for you opens up a potential relationship with them. Let them know when you’ve shared their content, so they know you’re putting it to good use.

Take care with how you do this – don’t email them asking them to promote your brand in return. This will give them the impression you’re only doing it to boost your SEO (search engine optimization).

It’s better to tell them how you’ve shared it and why you liked it, then move on. They’re more likely to want to build a relationship if they feel you genuinely liked their content.

3. A More Diverse Content Calendar

When creating your own content, it’s likely to follow a similar theme. Keeping things on brand is good, but you don’t want everything to be the same. Giving your audience different types of content will ensure they don’t get bored of it.

Sharing different curated content examples will give your platform some variety and keep things fresh. On top of keeping your current audience interested, this will help attract new customers and build new connections. Don’t share everything that’s relevant – try to share what you think is best and will be of value to your audience.

4. Establish Your Brand as an Industry Leader

One of the most useful benefits of curated content is that it can help establish your brand as one with authority. It shows that you’re paying attention to other companies within your industry, and keeping up with what’s going on.

Producing your own content is good, but sharing content from others can be just as important, if not more so. Establishing yourself as an industry leader will help build trust, and increase the chances of other brands sharing your content.

Using Curated Content

Sharing curated content benefits both your brand and the brand the content was made by. It’s a great way to build relationships with customers and other companies. It can also save you a lot of time and money.

Curated content helps set you apart as a thought leader, which will establish your company as one of the most trustworthy in your industry. For more business articles, check out some of our other blog posts.