You decided that your family is complete. Getting your tubes tied wasn’t a decision you entered lightly. Your little family had all of the members that it needed.
This doesn’t mean that the world doesn’t always have other plans for you. Sometimes there is that rare chance that an unexpected pregnancy can still occur even after a procedure. Tubal ligation is not always as final as you might have hoped.
Pregnancy after tubal ligation is possible.
After a tubal ligation, there is still a slim chance that you may be pregnant. Here are some pregnancy symptoms you may need to watch out for after your procedure. We’ll walk you through what you should know to keep in mind.
What Is a Tubal Ligation?
Tubal ligation may be better referred to as getting one’s tubes tied. This is a procedure that is done to prevent pregnancy. It is a type of permanent birth control.
To have a tubal ligation done means that your tubes are tied, cut, or blocked so that the egg cannot be fertilized during intercourse. Many women who have a completed family or are not looking to have children have this procedure done to assure that a pregnancy does not happen.
Tubal ligation is a safe procedure that is very rare cases could still lead to an unexpected pregnancy.
How Common Is a Pregnancy?
A pregnancy occurring after tubal ligation is a very slim chance it’s 1 in 1,000. Though it has happened before. In rare cases, the egg can still be fertilized and pregnancy can occur. It is always important to exercise caution while being sexually active.
No form of birth control is foolproof.
If you’re concerned that you’re showing these symptoms after a tubal ligation you may want to contact your doctor for a check-up. They will help you to find your best course of action in the event of a pregnancy.
Is Tubal Ligation Reversal Possible?
Can you decide after a tubal ligation that you do want to expand your family? The answer to that is in some cases, yes, with a tubal ligation reversal procedure. As long as there is enough of the fallopian tube left, the tube can be put back together.
It may take some time to conceive after this type of procedure. Your doctor will be able to give you the best information for expanding your family after a tubal ligation reversal procedure.
Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation Could Still Occur
If you’re experiencing early signs of pregnancy, it may still be beneficial to contact your physician. Pregnancy after tubal ligation can still, in rare cases, occur. If you’re experiencing symptoms it is always best to have them looked into.
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