The Mains Keys to Playground and Kids Safety


Just because playgrounds and playground equipment are designed for kids doesn’t mean they are safe or injury-proof. Playgrounds and outdoor play equipment give your kids chance to play in fresh air, open environment with friends, fun, and exercise the beauty of nature. But it’s important to check the safety of the kids and make sure that you have checked  the faulty equipment, improper surfaces, and unsafe behavior don’t ruin the fun.

Whether your children are running for the slide during recess at school, clamoring for the remaining swing on the park, or building a fortress to your outside playground set, there ought to be regulations in the vicinity with a view to maintaining every person secure. Playgrounds by definition may be dangerous if your kids aren’t familiar with appropriate playground behavior and guidelines for playground safety.

Inspect Your Playground

Many common play injuries can be prevented by first checking equipment, and reporting all hazardous ingredients in the area. Shake a fast but overall area before everyday use can prevent unnecessary accidents.

Adult supervision

Adults can help prevent injury by ensuring children correctly use Playground Equipment. If the injury occurs, an adult can help children and provide the first assistance needed immediately.

Children must always have adult supervision in the playground. Take care of your eyes in young people (and sometimes older) because they don’t always be able to ensure distance and may not expect dangerous situations. Older children like to test their limits in the playground, so it’s important for adults to make it still check.

Dress for safety

Very easily fulfilled during physical activity, and then quickly cool until the cold temperature is uncomfortable in the brisker weather. Therefore, it is important to make sure your children are dressed right. If they choose to dress lighter because they know they will warm up, have warm clothes or sweaters in hand in cooler weather, and vice versa.

Check the safety of climbing equipment

Climbing equipment comes in various shapes and sizes – including climbing walls, arches, and vertical and horizontal stairs. It is usually more challenging for children than other types of play equipment.

Make sure your children are aware of a safe way if they can’t finish climbing. The highest level of injury in a public playground is seen with climbing equipment. It’s dangerous when not designed or used correctly. Adult supervision is very important for younger children.

Climbing equipment can be used safely if children are taught to use both hands and to stay behind the person in front of them and be careful with swinging feet. When they fall from the bar, children must be able to jump without hitting the equipment on the road.

Actively monitor

Supervision is not only important for small children, but for children of all ages. Make sure not only you, but what you entrust with your children’s care, ready to keep an eye on and mediate, must be a dangerous situation or injury to emerge.

Keep an eye on children using play equipment

Actively oversee children in the playground. It won’t be difficult – they might call you to watch them climb, jump and swing. Check the playground where your children play. Look for danger, such as rusty or damaged equipment and a dangerous surface. Report any danger to the appropriate local school or office. Teaching children who encourage, push or swarm while playing in a playground can be dangerous.

Maintain your playground

Children enjoy running around, and climbing and having fun. That’s how they are. Unfortunately, this also means they sometimes fall. The possibility of injury due to falls can be greatly reduced from the surface installed properly below and around the equipment, and ensuring that the equipment remains up-to-code.

Keep an eye on their game

Adult supervision is present: Adults must read the rules posted before children start playing and must keep the eyes be vigilant when children use a playground. Supervision from adults can help the structure of play, provide security reminders, and intervene, if necessary.

Different playground areas are designed for children from various ages. Keeping children on equipment designed for their age groups makes them safe, and makes playing more fun for all.

Remind Children About the suitable behavior for playgrounds: Do not push or encourage, always wait for your turn, and use what equipment is intended to be used (do not stand or kneel on the swing, position yourself first when down the slide, etc. )

Check the temperature of playground equipment

We all remember the scene from the story of Christmas when Flick made his tongue stick to the flagpole. Some equipment, especially metal play equipment, are easily susceptible to changing temperatures, and can be equally dangerous. 

Falls secure practice

Although no one likes to think about falling, they are common events in children of all ages, and can cause serious injury. It is important to practice a safe fall technique, such as Tuck and Roll, or broken down with knees and elbows, to help reduce the potential for long-term injury or even concussion.

Have the Children Use Age-Appropriate 

Know your children and post for their prosperity. Only one out of every odd kid creates at a similar rate—particularly with regards to engine abilities and muscle strength. A few children will be prepared for various play equipment and various occasions. Make certain to manage them and urge them to remain on proper equipment, and be there to help them when they are prepared to utilize equipment new to them.

Equipment conditions

Stay away from equipment with rust, crack, rotten area and loose or missing parts. In warm weather, play equipment can be hot enough to cause burns and harm kids skin. Touch the surface first before you allowing children to play.

Avoid the rope

You may have wonderful memories of playing with a rope as a child, whether it swings on the lake, rope stairs to a tree house, or bridge strap. Fun now as possible, the rope is also inherently dangerous. The rope can often look stronger than that appears, and a very strong rope can easily fail in excess tension. Factors in the risk of the criticism or cutoff circulation, and they pose a risk that is not worth taking.


Even in a safe playground, according to age, adult guidance and supervision is the best way to prevent injury. In fact, the researchers said the lack of supervision was related to almost half of the injury related to the playground. So, as your child goes up, slides, swings and glide, watch the action and be ready to intervene if they use equipment inappropriately!

Author Bio

Diane Carter

Diane writes for Home Improvement, Playgrounds, Lifestyle, travel-related topics additionally; he has a passion for the recreation and design industry for more than ten years, Diane has become an experienced Redesign in this industry. His goal is to help people with his vast knowledge to assist them with his best suggestions about different activities: Inclusive Playground Equipment at Club, Splash Pads, Hills – Shade Structures, Picnic Shelters.