The Latest Cybersecurity Tips That Will Help You Avoid Mistakes

The Latest Cybersecurity Tips That Will Help You Avoid Mistakes

Did you know that 43% of small businesses don’t have a cybersecurity plan in place? These business owners are putting themselves at risk. Are you? 

Many people underestimate the risk of a security breach, but cybercriminals often target small businesses because they have fewer resources to defend themselves. 

We’re here with a few quick cybersecurity tips that can help you stay protected. Read on to learn more.

Always Allow Updates

We see you clicking that “remind me later” button when your computer tells you it’s time for an update. We’ve all been there, but when you use your tech for business, you can’t afford to do this. 

Software updates can be troublesome. They stop you from working for a few minutes and that could throw off your focus. However, these updates include important security patches against current threats.

You’re rejecting a free security upgrade when you hit the “remind me later” button. 

Get Rid of Old Accounts

If an employee or client is no longer associated with your business, make sure that you get rid of their accounts and data. If necessary, you can keep hard copies just in case you’ll need that data in the future.

When you let old accounts linger, you’re providing more opportunities for cybercriminals to access your information. Because you’re not paying attention to those accounts, you might not notice until it’s too late. 

Keep Personal and Work Tech Separate

As we grow more and more attached to the internet, it’s normal for people to want to go on social media when they’re at work. Even if you allow social media usage at work, make sure that it’s not on a work device.

Again, you’re giving cybercriminals even more opportunities to access your data. All it takes is one person clicking a suspicious link in a Facebook message to disrupt your security. 

Focus on Employee Training

How much time do you devote to security training for your employees? When you have new hires, make sure that you have a strong focus on cybersecurity during their training sessions.

It’s also a good idea to have several training sessions throughout the year to make sure that everyone is up to date on current security threats. Remember, you can’t blame employees for making mistakes when you haven’t trained them properly. You’re the small business owner so you’re responsible. 

Hire Professional Security Services

For home computers, using free security software is often enough. When you’re running a business, however, you need to invest in paid options.

We recommend hiring cybersecurity specialists who can run a cybersecurity audit and defend you against cybercrime. They’ll give you the peace of mind that you’ve dramatically decreased your risk. 

Keep These Cybersecurity Tips in Mind

These cybersecurity tips might be the difference between you maintaining a secure workplace and you experiencing a cybersecurity disaster. Never underestimate your risk. Protect your business and invest in cybersecurity.

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