The Australian IT Industry

IT Australia

Technology and innovation are a major driving force behind the Australian economy. The government has been successful in creating new economic opportunities through tax incentives and community infrastructure investments. The economy is based on services provided by local companies to the rest of the world. Many large multinational corporations have established operations in Australia. Managing directors of Australian businesses can expect their salaries and perks to be much higher than what is typical in most other fields.

The Australian IT Industry Association reports that the country has been successful in introducing and expanding the use of information technology to enhance the performance of the national economy. The goal of this effort is to make information technology “an integral element of the Australian economy.” One of the ways this is achieved is through promoting the development of new markets for information technology, such as telecommunication and internet. Internet and telephony companies in particular have made significant contributions to the growth of the IT industry in Australia. The federal and state governments also support the IT industry through training, research, and development programs.

Another way in which the IT and Tech industry is growing in Australia is through attracting a lot of highly skilled people from other countries. The Australian talent pool has proven to be very strong, attracting many highly educated and skilled people from various countries around the world. These include many with language skills that Australia’s limited English language hinders them from working in the country’s major businesses. The country’s vibrant climate, excellent job markets, moderate cost of living, and low unemployment rate attract these highly talented people.

The Australian talent crisis is being felt even in the technology sector. According to a CIO of an IT service company in Australia, “In all ten years of operations, we have only hired two Australian people who speak English as their first language.” The high cost of operating in the country has deterred IT service companies from establishing their presence here. The two major IT companies in Australia have chosen to hire local and international staff instead.

The high price of importing goods into Australia from overseas has also constrained the ability of most local companies to purchase equipment that is required for operation in these new markets. According to an IT expert of an IT company in Australia, “We are not getting enough new computers to support growth in the IT industry. In order to reduce overheads and save more money on outsourcing, most of us are focusing on expanding our base here in Australia rather than expanding our business into new markets.” The lack of IT professionals in the country is also preventing companies from opening new branches in other cities in Australia. With the exception of Perth and Adelaide, which is the two most populated cities in Australia, most companies in the country are operating from metropolitan cities such as Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. The capital city of Sydney has a population of just over 20 million while Brisbane and Perth, the state capital of Western Australia, each boast approximately 6.5 million people.

The high availability of talented and educated IT professionals in other countries has resulted in the influx of many IT professionals from the United Kingdom, United States and India. The influx of these workers has helped the Australian companies to fill the skills gaps caused by the shortage of skilled IT professionals. According to the survey conducted in the United Kingdom, IT professionals who had moved to Australia from the UK comprised of twenty-five percent of the total number of IT workers who had migrated to Australia.

IT Recruitment

The IT recruitment agencies in Australia says that it has seen a 20 percent rise in inquiries made by IT professionals in response to its website from the United Kingdom in the past twelve months alone. The Australian IT industry has grown at an impressive pace during the past few years.

The Australian IT Industry was able to weather the storm during the dotcom crash with the help of the infrastructures that they built themselves. Now with the latest trends in information technology emerging in Australia, the outlook for IT graduates looking to make IT jobs in Australia looks promising. The Australian Computer Society (ACS) estimates that by the next decade, the demand for IT professionals will increase ten percent in response to the projected increase in the population. This increase in demand for IT professionals will foster greater interaction among IT professionals and greater opportunities for job opportunity for Australian computer graduates.