What Is The Best Teeth Whitening Service In Lahore?


Teeth Whitening Service in Lahore is a cosmetic procedure to make the surface of your teeth look whiter. Although teeth whitening does not make teeth bright white. It can be a very effective way to lighten the existing color without damaging the surface of the Teeth Whitening Service in Lahore.
The effects of teeth whitening are not permanent and can last from a few months to three years. The duration of the effect varies from person to person. But, generally speaking, if a person bleaches their teeth. By smoking or drinking tea, coffee or red wine, the effect will not last as long.

In Europe and some other countries, only qualified dental. Professionals to perform teeth whitening. When teeth whitening out in a beauty salon by someone. Who is not qualified as a dentist, the procedure is not only a risk to oral health but also illegal.

Professional teeth whitening

The most common method of teeth whitening is professional whitening. This requires several visits to the dentist over several months. The dentist takes impressions of the teeth, which to make dental veneers that. To the teeth like a mouth guard. The trays with bleaching gel and the patient. How to do the bleaching at home.

The gel for a certain period of time, depending on the severity of the discoloration. And how white the teeth are to to look. Usually the gel for 30-60 minutes a day for a total of two to four weeks. Some products can for eight hours at a time, so the process can in up to a week.

Home kits

It is possible to buy home kits to whiten your teeth, but these come with certain risks. Although these kits are cheaper, they are not always safety tested and the acidity of the gel can be higher. If the mouth guard is not made. By a qualified professional, it may not fit , allowing the whitening. Gel to soak into the mouth and damage the Teeth Whitening Service in Lahore and gums.

In Europe, it is illegal to sell packets containing more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide. Which means the gel is not strong enough for effective whitening. Home whitening may be more common in other countries where stronger gels. But people should be wary of buying these kits online as they may contain acidic and abrasive gels.

Laser whitening

Laser whitening is another form of teeth whitening and. Out by a qualified professional. It involves applying a bleaching agent to the teeth. Which is then activated by a laser to speed up the whitening reaction. The process only takes about an hour and is also known as Power Whitening or Chair side Whitening.

Whitening toothpastes

There are several whitening toothpastes on the market. These products do not change. The color of the teeth, but they remove stubborn stains or discoloration. Helping to restore some of the teeth’s natural color and improve the appearance of the teeth. These toothpastes can also. To prolong the effects of professional teeth whitening procedures.


Before teeth whitening, a person must be free of any oral diseases. Such as tooth decay, gingivitis or periodontitis. Besides, the teeth must not be sensitive, cracked or injured.

If these conditions are not diagnosed and treated before the teeth. They can become even worse and affect the success of the procedure.

The steps involved in teeth whitening must begin with a thorough dental examination. During this examination, the dentist and oral hygienist can help diagnose. And treat any problems with the teeth. Gums and mouth before the teeth whitening procedure begins. These dentists can also tell whether. The discoloration is natural, the result of an injury or caused by food. Antibiotics, tobacco or coffee. Once the cause. The procedure can out with more realistic expectations.

The dentist may also tell other options. Such as the use of tooth-colored crowns, veneers, bonding materials or tooth-colored fillings.

Results from

The effects of Teeth Scaling and Polishing in Lahore can last up to three years, although. This is unlikely for people who smoke or drink tea, coffee or red wine.

Some side effects of teeth whitening include sensitivity to cold. Gum disease, sore throat and white spots in the gum line. These effects are usually short-lived and disappear within a few days of treatment. But, if these effects persist for more than a few days, a dentist should.