Surrogate mothers and the rules about surrogate mothers when they sign the contract


Surrogate mothers are no other women but ordinary women who opt for the profession. There are two types of surrogate mothers, volunteer surrogate mothers and surrogate mothers by profession. A leihmütter (surrogate mother)  that voluntarily opts to deliver a child is known as a volunteer surrogate mother. However, the one who keeps on delivering multiple children from someone else against a certain fee is known as a surrogate mother by profession.

A surrogate mother is the one who is impregnated by artificial insemination from a fertilized egg so that she can carry a child for a couple who will pay a certain fee for her service. Moreover, a surrogate mother is bound by a legal agreement where she cannot have any authority over the newborn. There are some countries where there are strict laws about the leihmütter, which means that the future parent’s right to get the baby is definite. But there are certain countries where there are no such laws, and the surrogate can easily deny giving the baby to the future parents, which is not acceptable.

There are two types of surrogate mothers:

●  Traditional surrogate mother

●  Gestational surrogate mother

Traditional surrogate mother

A traditional surrogate mother is the one whose eggs are used along with the father or donor’s sperm to fertilize the embryo. As a result, the surrogate mother gets pregnant and carries the child for a good nine months and then delivers a healthy child and hands it over to the future parents. Moreover, if we talk about traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother has a biological connection with the newborn in this case.

Gestational surrogate mother

The gestational surrogate mother is the one whose eggs are not used in the procedure, and her eggs do not impregnate her. The eggs from the future mother or egg donor, along with the sperm of the future father or donor, are used to fertilize the embryo. A gestational surrogate mother is only the child’s carrier and has no biological or genetic connection with the newborn.

Surrogate mother cost

Surrogate mother costs vary from country to country and process to process. The more advanced process you opt for, the more dollars you have to invest. There are multiple programs that the feskov reproductive clinic has for you. You can choose any one of them as per your convenience and budget. There are luxury programs too that the Feskov reproductive clinic offers at high prices. The luxury program includes the selection of the gender of the child and covers up all the risks unless the healthy baby is born.


Surrogate mothers are in large quantities, and almost all of them choose the profession to earn something for themselves and their families. Surrogates are categorized in two ways, traditional and gestational surrogate mothers. A traditional surrogate utilizes her eggs, and she has a biological connection with the newborn. At the same time, the gestational surrogate is only the child’s carrier and has no genetic connection with the child.