Some interesting facts about customized sleeve boxes

Kraft Sleeve Boxes


A sleeve box consists of two major portions. It has a bottom part, or you can call it the base that holds the product in its place. While the top is a partial covering, it protects the product from the top. And the top covering is known as the sleeve. You can have Kraft sleeve boxes in various sizes and dimensions. You can use the boxes for keeping gifts such as perfumes or whatever product you wish to. 

8 facts about customized Kraft sleeve boxes:

The following are some of the important facts everyone must know.

Custom handmade boxes

Custom handmade boxes explain themselves well by the name. Such boxes are handmade and the material that we use for their production is an eco-friendly material known as the Kraft material. The Kraft material has a corrugated medium attached to it that allows extra durability and strength. Moreover, you can add some glittery add ons to make the custom sleeve box ethereal and elegant. Also, custom handmade boxes can be made according to the different sizes and dimensions.

Therefore, you can place any type of sort of product in it. You can design these custom handmade boxes according to your taste and of course the product present. However, for eatery and edibles, you can keep these simple and print these boxes accordingly by simply adding printed colors or fonts on them.

Sleeve apparel boxes

For apparel such as clothes, ties, or even cufflinks all these can be added on sleeve apparel boxes. A common feature of the apparel boxes is that these boxes are designed and manufactured according to the piece of clothing or the product.

The material again is similar. You can use cardboard or Kraft material for holding these apparel. Moreover, you can add a texture of simple colors or fonts to these sleeve boxes. Also, you can add the brand’s name or slogan over the Sleeve apparel boxes to give them a classical outlook. 

Custom die-cut Kraft sleeve boxes

The custom die-cut boxes are pretty classy and attractive. And hence these boxes are commonly best in use for business and promotional purposes.

What makes these die-cut boxes attractive? It is the cut or window that is made over the sleeve top. The bottom for holding the product remains the same and intact but the addition is the window or cuts made on the sleeve. It is not necessary that the cut is in the form of a window but it could follow the shape or style of the slogan or brand it representing.

Kraft sleeve boxes

For storing small mini pieces or stuff Kraft sleeve boxes are ideal. Kraft is the material recommended for such boxes so far. It depends on the buyer’s choice whether he wants to buy the tray solely or the sleeve and tray with the sleeve box. These boxes are easy to carry and are handy for small objects like tape or pens. Now customization of these Kraft sleeve boxes is entirely choice-dependent. You can add different colors or textures to these small size sleeve boxes to give them an impressive look. Second Kraft material is considered pretty genuine because it is strong, durable, and sturdiness enough to hold the product carefully.

You can use cardboard material as well. Both materials are durable. And the finest feature of all is that they are long-lasting.

Sleeve gift boxes

Sleeve boxes are though used commonly for business or promotional purposes. But that’s not always the case. You can make handy use of such sleeve boxes and use them well for gift purposes.  You can place decoration pieces or cosmetic, jewelry stuff in these sleeve gift boxes. There are tremendous shades and colors available that you can use to add over the sleeve boxes. There are different shades of ribbons, which you can use to create a nice neat bow and place it over the top covering of the sleeve boxes wholesale. 

These different styles are going to make these boxes look spectacular. You can also paste a cute note to these sleeve boxes.  If you want to customize these boxes you can use creative ideas of your own. 

Half sleeve boxes

You can make use of half sleeve boxes for useful purposes like for gifting a unique product to someone or for promotional purposes. The choice is yours. The bottom of the box is strong and durable but the sleeves on the top are not complete and do not completely cover the whole thing. Not only have that even mobile casings had sleeve covers on top to add attractiveness.

A little touch of printing and writing of brand name or slogan can make a big difference. And can display these boxes as very eye-catching and appealing.

Macaroon sleeve boxes wholesale

That is a fun fact. You can customize a sleeve box with two or more partitions made inside the box and a small die-cut window on the sleeve to have a look inside the sleeve box items. Such a style is best for placing chocolates and yummy macaroons. This way these items stay in their respective places and don’t mix. Also, the window on top helps you get a look at the yummy item that is present or lying in these partitions carefully. You can print such boxes as gift boxes or for display purposes too.

Environment-friendly sleeve boxes

Sleeve boxes wholesale are either fabricated through the use of cardboard or you can make use of Kraft material. Both materials are durable and reliable ones to lean on for product shipping and management. The addition of corrugated cardboard or paper sheets all increases the strength of the sleeve boxes and makes them durable for longer use. These materials have the capacity for recycling and are thus ecosystem friendly. This material poses no harm to the atmosphere. These sleeve boxes can be mold into different shapes and sizes without posing any harm to the air or surface. In the end, when the material causes no harm to the vicinity it becomes green and is known as the green packaging.

Most of the firms are making use of green packaging. The common materials are written above, cardboard and Kraft. Both are firm and durable. And are classified as the best choices for product packaging. If you are establishing a new brand these are material tactics that can help you.  

Conclusion or Final words!     

At the end of the day, whatever style or design you choose, the most basic point to ponder is the material. The selection of materials needs responsibility. It should be strong and durable enough to last the shipping time at the least. If the material fails to be perfect the whole box foundation fails to act or perform. All industrial manufacturers experiment with materials first. If the material works well for their product everything goes well. But if not they have to come up with other options. Choose the best custom box manufacturer who could cater to all your requirements.

The sleeve boxes template can look amazing if you add some glamour to it. You can add glimmer and style according to the product. There are thousands of designs present that can help you choose which one to go with.