Solutions to your breastfeeding problems

doctor consulting

Breastfeeding is a natural phenomenon that carries benefits for the mother and baby, both. Babies who are breastfed have their nutrient needs met. It also helps them in having stronger immunity, better digestives system, greater defense against ear infections.

Moreover, breastfed babies are also less likely to suffer from respiratory ailments. They are also less likely to suffer from sudden death. Breastfeeding also helps in preventing allergies, eczema, asthma, childhood cancers alongside diabetes in the baby.

Similarly, breastfeeding is beneficial for mothers; it helps in healing of the body. It also promotes weight loss after birth. Alongside lowering postpartum bleeding, breastfeeding also lowers the risk of postpartum depression.

Suffice to say, breastfeeding carries immense benefits, but may also be just as challenging which may overwhelm you. Rather than getting daunted, and abandoning, you should seek help from your Gynecologist in Lahore.

Common breastfeeding problems and solutions

Breastfeeding it a primal act, but challenging nonetheless. The road maybe bumpy, but not impossible. Here are some common breastfeeding problems and with their solutions that can help you have a smooth sailing:

Poor latch

For your baby to suckle properly and painlessly, latching has to be done right. It is not only important for keeping your baby well-fed, but also helps in optimal milk production as well.

The symptoms of poor latching include pain in the nipple, that stays through the feed. You baby might also act fussy as they are not latching properly and are not deriving any milk from the suckle.

For the feed to be successful, your baby needs to not only connect with the nipple, but areola as well, as only then are they are able to stimulate the milk flow. When latched properly, baby makes the sound of sucking and swallowing, instead of random clicking sounds.

To succeed with proper latching, pinch your areola between your fingers. Then, tickle the baby’s cheek so they open they mouth wide. After the correct placement that involves adequate covering of the nipple and the areolas, you baby’s nose and chin should be touching your breast.

Too much breast milk

Abundance is not always good, and breastfeeding is an excellent example. Dealing with too much milk production can be rather painful and challenging. In this condition, breast become engorged with too much milk, that makes them hard.

Moreover, it can also lead to over-active let down reflex, due to which the flow of the milk out of the breast can be very fast. It can then make the baby choke, and even gag. Consequently, baby might become fussy and gassy and may also throw up the milk.

You can work around the problem by feeding the breast from the same breast, especially for frequent feeds. Moreover, you can also recline slightly, so that the milk flow is met with slight resistance and is not as fast. 

Since with fast stream, the baby is more likely to gulp in the air, therefore, make sure that you properly burp your child.

Overtime, your body will get the hang of the milk supply, improving the problem as a result.

Too little milk supply

Just as too much milk supply can be challenging, too little of it might also cause difficulty. It may make the mother scared of not meeting the demands of the baby.

The baby might also be fussy on account of not being well-fed. However, this problem is common enough, and relatively easy to fix.

First, you need to check the latching of the baby. Your body optimizes the milk supply according to the milk suckled by the baby. If the suckling is improper, milk production may also then fall short. You can also consume supplements from to help increase your milk supply for breastfeeding.

Another helpful trick is to feed frequently, using a breast pump in between, if need be. You should also eat well, and take plenty of fluids alongside consulting your Shafi International Hospital.