What is the Role of Astrology in Marriages?


Your Kundli in astrology plays a role in marriage decisions. Kundali is a synonym for Kendari / horoscope / natal chart/birth chart, but the meaning remains the same.  Kundli or horoscopes govern all aspects of human life, so marriage is no exception. Your horoscope is when you get married, who you marry, who can be the perfect soulmate for you, how to check compatibility with your life partner, which of your descendants. Tell everything about what will happen and what your marriage will look like. You should know this before you get married.

What is Kundli?

Kundli or horoscope is an astrology chart used by astrologers to gain insights into a person’s personality and life. The human kundli shows the exact location of various planetary bodies at birth. Astrologers consider Janam Kendari an important document that helps individuals understand and explain the various events they encounter in their lives.

What is Kundli Milan?

Kundali Matching or Kundli Milan is Vedic astrology equivalent of horoscope matching for marriage. In Hindu societies, especially in India, where arranged marriages are common, Kendari matching is the most important factor to consider in a  proposal. By matching the bride and groom Kundaris, how the stars affect marriage and what corrective actions must be taken to ensure the bliss of eternal marriage. Let them know. Planets and celestial bodies have a great impact on the lives of all. Therefore, when marriage connects two people, it is important to ensure that the celestial bodies complement each other and lead to peace, happiness, and harmony.

What does Kundli Milan consist of?

Before getting married, the bride and groom’s Janam Kundali compatibility is tested. 

A birth chart is a map of the arrangement of celestial bodies, stars, and planets at birth. After that, the astrologer follows the “Gun Milan method”, also known as the “Astrologer method”. In this way, the astrologer knows the moon’s position on the couple’s chart, calculates and reads it. This method focuses on eight kootas looking at eight different aspects of marriage. This method ranks these kootas based on the match between the two Kundaris. Marriage success is predicted based on the points earned in the match. 

 Of the 36 Gunns, at least 18 are believed to have to match for a  happy marriage.

Is Kundali matching essential for love marriages too?

As the times change, arranged marriages are less noticeable than they used to be. Some households prefer arranged marriages to love marriages, but the number of love marriages is growing rapidly. 

The special thing about love marriage is that they have known each other for a long time and know themselves well in harmony. You know their tastes, their choices, and even their lifestyle. Love is an important pillar for a successful marriage, but it must meet many important criteria. Kundali Matching focuses on predicting compatibility between two individuals, their behavior, attitudes, and other tendencies. But this is all a  love marriage issue, as it is already known to both members.

Accurate horoscopes can be helpful for any marriage with information and predictions about marriage. In addition to the aspects already mentioned, he also predicts the happiness of marriage, the possibility of children, and people’s life expectancy. Forecasts may also include details about the length of the marriage, the likelihood of a divorce,  the breakdown of a relationship, and how the presence of a partner could make or break their career. 

Time certainly changes and evolves, and looking back is unfamiliar to this generation. However, they usually turn to the elders for help when they need advice because they know that the wisdom of the elders will help in difficult times. Return to your ancient knowledge of astrology and remember that harmonizing your kundali is the best gift you can give your marriage.

In conclusion, Kundli matching has been an integral part of Hindu marriage since ancient times. All customs and traditions have evolved. However, the tendency to combine kundali before marriage has not changed. The logic has always been to know the compatibility between pairs. Kundali Milan should be done in a trusted location to avoid receiving inaccurate and potentially problematic reports in the future.