RESTful API: the next gen architecture for OTT platforms


APIs are techniques that define and enforce a set of rules and protocols that provide communication between two software components. To specify client and server architecture, APIs are frequently used. Applications that exchange requests and responses are referred to as clients and servers. To make sense of how API works, let’s look at an example. You browse the menu at a FAST food restaurant, place your order with the waiter after doing so, and the waiter will then bring your food to the table after going to the kitchen. The kitchen, where the food is prepared and kept in large numbers, serves as the server in this scenario and the waiter is the API.

Your API should provide the ability to further adjust pre-set features in your online video platform (OVP) in the event of professional streaming in order to serve a wider clientele. Using the same fast food restaurant as an example, suppose there is only one waiter in that restursnt, which slows down the delivery procedure. The same is true of your platform; if you have a bigger user base, your API has to be flexible enough to accommodate more queries. Technology advancements have led to the introduction of new APIs to fulfill consumer expectations, and the RESTful API is now one of the best choices available in the API catalog.

Why RESTful is perfect paradigm for streaming API

REST is an acronym that stands for “Representational State Transfer.” It is a set of principles that developers must follow while creating an API. This is a web communication architectural style. REST is a defined technique for a distributed hypermedia system that employs components, connections, and data elements. REST APIs have grown in popularity over time, and many developers now use them for critical tasks.

What are the advantages of REST APIs, and why have they grown to be so well-liked?

1. Lightweight 

It is appropriate for devices with limited bandwidth since it has a lightweight architecture. Because you do not have to notify customers of changes, REST services are “lightweight.” You only need to adjust your logic while keeping URLS, and the output should stay the same.

2. Scalability

The scalability of this protocol makes it unique. A product may be scaled by a development team without much effort since client and server are separated. When compared to other API types, REST APIs make it simpler to scale up an existing website.

3. Hasslefree integration

REST APIs may be used to upload files, as well as auxiliary APIs that can be used to programmatically upload and download files to and from the integration platform.

4. Uniform Interface

Developers voluntarily agree to use the same standards when establishing a REST API. As a result, all APIs have a consistent interface. All REST APIs have this interface, which serves as a contract between the client and the service. How does this help? To achieve compatibility, developers must use broad concepts while accessing APIs.

5. Independence

The REST protocol makes it simple for advancements throughout a project to happen separately since client and server are separated. The REST protocol isolates the server’s UI and data storage from it. The operating syntax and platform can be changed with the REST API. This enables developers to work individually on various aspects of a project and test various developer environments as necessary.

6. Multi-Layer System

Client and server apps can operate independently of one another, and REST API requests and replies pass via many levels. This implies that a client connecting to an intermediate component is unaware of the parties that component will subsequently interact with. This incites designers to create independent, upgradable components.

7. HTTP data transfer 

The REST API’s simplicity and capacity to manage huge loads allow for the creation of complicated apps while yet allowing new clients to work on desired projects. When we talk about HTTP, the web’s protocol, and create JSON or ATOMPub, finding a library that can connect to you on every device and in every language becomes much easier.

How to integrate RESTful API to your Platform

Now, everything is being stated about the advantages of RESTful architecture. How can one incorporate this into their streaming platform is the issue that now emerges.

Muvi offers API support for hosting videos, managing content, and creating unique video players. Because Muvi’s RESTful API is well described, broadcasters of various skill levels may use it. The unique OTT platform provider Muvi offers well-designed, easy-to-use APIs that make integrating with any app, platform, or third-party platform straightforward. Create some amazing on-demand or live streaming applications by using your own collection of apps, themes, features, plugins, and content of your choice. Utilizing Muvi technology makes creating your own video streaming engine simpler than ever.

So take a free trial and dive deeper into the various features of Muvi.