Respiratory Intensive Care: What to Expect

Respiratory Intensive Care: What to Expect

Did you know that in the U.S. alone, over 25 million people have asthma? On top of that are the 14.8 million adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Others also suffer from lung diseases such as infections, bronchitis, or cancer.

If left untreated, those conditions can result in lung failure and death. The good news is that respiratory intensive care can help treat and keep such health woes at bay.

But what exactly is this type of healthcare service? What treatments and benefits can you expect?

We’ll answer all those questions and more below, so read on.

What Is Respiratory Intensive Care?

Respiratory intensive care (RIC) is a specialized healthcare treatment for lung problems. Lung health specialists, specifically pulmonologists, run RIC units. They provide respiratory care for pneumonia, bronchiectasis, and cancer, to name a few.

What Do RIC Programs Entail?

A respiratory care program offered in RIC units may focus on life-saving treatment. For example, they usually have facilities equipped with breathing tubes and ventilators. In addition, they provide medications for both acute and chronic lung diseases.

Some RIC facilities also specialize in delivering care for patient recovery. For instance, they cater to patients who’ve undergone the surgical procedure tracheostomy. Aside from providing specialized tracheostomy care, they also train their patients’ family members.

Speech therapy is another treatment offered in respiratory care. Patients with severe COPD may require this care.

RIC units also provide monitoring and treatment for rib fractures. These are common, especially among the elderly and those who’ve been in road accidents.

Respiratory care also specializes in providing support for lifestyle changes. An example is quitting smoking, as it causes lung cancer and COPD. In this case, RIC units may provide therapies for patients who finally want to kick the habit.

What Benefits Does RIC Provide?

Experts link respiratory diseases with about 4 million premature deaths worldwide each year. If not for respiratory care, more patients with such lung conditions can die. Thus, the chief benefit of RIC is that it can save the lives of patients with severe lung conditions.

Moreover, RIC can help patients better control their symptoms. Treatments can also aid in maximizing lung functions. Both can then contribute to shortened treatment times and, thus, lower medical costs.  

How Long Does Respiratory Care Last?

The length of treatment depends on a patient’s disease, age, and overall health. For example, some people with pneumonia may feel better within a week, but others may need a month or more.

Elderly patients may also need prolonged treatment if they have weakened immune systems. Likewise, they may require extended care if their lung problem is due to a fractured rib. That’s especially true if they have osteoporosis, which an estimated 10.2 million folks aged 50 and over in the U.S. do.

Breathe Easier With Respiratory Intensive Care

And there you have it, your ultimate guide on respiratory intensive care and its benefits. Now you know it specializes in treating acute and chronic lung diseases. Moreover, you learned it could help save lives and improve overall patient life.

So if you or a loved one needs specialized breathing and lung treatment, consider RIC.

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