Reading Help for ADHD


Sitting quietly and reading a good book for a while can fight ADHD, but active reading is a great gift for ADHD. Reading gives children adventure, fun, excitement and wonder. Imagination is encouraged in an adventure of the mind in the forest. What could be better?

If your ADHD child is struggling with reading, there is an easy way to do this. Visit our site for more about Reading tricks.

First, change your child’s thinking by asking positive questions. A lot of children’s beliefs about reading ability and reading in general are just jokes about what they tell themselves when they read. If your child keeps saying “but I hate reading,” ask them to change it. “I have not yet learned to love reading.” It may sound funny. But it changed his thinking in a positive way. It proved to his brain that one day he would really enjoy reading it. This small change creates a huge catalyst for change. If he refuses to talk just tell him cheerfully every time he tells you he hates reading. This gave him the idea of ​​success in reading. Especially if he’s already decided he “hates reading,” if your child is new to reading but hasn’t had a chance to enjoy reading because he’s still working hard. Set him up for success by saying, “You’ll find reading great and fun. Fall in love, you can go on an adventure, escape to a distant place and can perform miracles. The more you read, the easier it gets. the more you love it. The girl who was told by her 3rd grade teacher that she never reads a good book, um…

Once you have mentally prepared your child for success. You need to put in the physical component for reading success. This means that a minimum of thirty minutes of reading per day is allowed. Depending on age eight and nine year olds can easily read the opening chapter in thirty minutes, a 10 year old can read the book in 45 minutes or more depending on their level and interest. Children under the age of eight should be given a story. If your child has trouble reading, don’t let him read on his own. Parents should be there to listen and encourage. I support readers in need. (Every child has a moment of struggle) by alternating paragraphs with him. It became more fun for children and learning to read became less boring. Reading becomes a special time to hug and cuddle while developing reading skills. Take a break when reading so don’t put too much pressure on them if they feel overwhelmed. Help your child decipher words, patience, optimism. And relaxation is what will create positive energy in your child’s reading.

When your child is older, read your book while he reads it. We cannot expect our children to do and love what we do not. Set an example for your child. You will enjoy a great escape in the book. Devoted parents also deserve quiet and relaxing moments.

A common mistake parents and teachers make with struggling readers is choosing a book for their child. If you let the reader start choosing their own book and topic. You will have more active students. If your child loves sports but you choose books about famous people in history. Your child will not be as excited about the question as they should be. It’s okay to ask to read something. But it’s much better to wait until your child has more experience and is comfortable reading. At first, just take him to the library and let him find everything that interests him. If he does not want to choose for himself but always protects his interests, give your child a choice of reading that interests him. This will help them learn more about their favorite subjects and reinforce what you’re telling them: reading is so interesting and fun!

Another great tip in the ADHD parenting toolkit is to check out the CDs in the library along with the actual books. And ask your child to read along with the speaker. This allows your child to live a life of adventure while becoming more confident in their spelling and vocabulary skills. I do not recommend this alone. But this is an extension of your regular reading practice.

Remember that ADHD children’s brains work faster. He thinks quickly and gets irritated easily when he can’t finish reading. His mind now wanted to hear the story and participate. Struggling with reading can be frustrating.