Today there are few commercial firms or brands that do not have a business page on Facebook. In fact, this social network has created an official page called Fanpage to serve as a communication channel between followers and brand owners.

According to the most current statistics, users have increased their interest in following specific brand pages. Likewise, many of them use Fanpage to establish dialogues with companies to be served as customers through this new communication channel.


According to the aforementioned, it is extremely important for brands that this line of interaction with their followers is handled impeccably. For this, it is necessary to examine the errors that may arise in the management of the business page to avoid them and thus achieve the success that we all hope for. Before going to the complete insight of it, you have to visit BestFollowers.Uk for non-dropping followers.


When opening the Fanpage page, the user must find a good cover design, the images must be optimal and the information data must be complete. It is a serious error not to meet these first requirements that correspond to the presentation of our page.

If, in addition to the above, we add that there is no link to your business website or a personalized URL, the error could cost you the loss of some or many followers.


A very common mistake that denotes carelessness and disinterest in your page is that you do not publish frequently on the Fanpage. If you don’t get noticed, you could lose the opportunity to grow your community. If, on the other hand, you post too much, you can cause a spam effect or make your message go unnoticed.

On Facebook, it is advisable to post at a rate of one to two times each day, or one to four times a week. In these cases, it is good to set an editorial calendar for your social media marketing plan.

Another aspect in which publication errors are made is when it comes out with texts but lacks images. In that case, your publication will not have notoriety. Also, the opposite situation occurs, publish images without accompanying text. Here you will be depriving the user of the complete information that you want him to receive so that he can act accordingly.


On Facebook, you have the opportunity to write more than on Twitter. You can post more than eighty characters up to ninety. Making them longer would be negative because, in general, Facebook users like short, concise and unambiguous content.

It is also wrong to share minor topics on a commercial page. It is better to get to the point, publishing topics of your field or of a collective interest interspersing from time to time a relaxed topic. Finally, the context in which the page unfolds should not be lost.

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In order not to get bored, try to make your publications in various formats: photographs, posts, graphics, etc. It is also important to publish when your followers are listening to you, otherwise, it would be, wasting time and opportunities. It is recommended, on Facebook, to do it Thursday and Friday from nine to nineteen. Anyway, check what your community is like to make that frequency more flexible.

On the other hand, it is a very big mistake to create an expectation for your followers and not fulfil it. That way you won’t be able to reach your conversion goal; on the contrary, this will increase your bounce rate. If you want to keep the interest of your fans, do not use your account exclusively to sell and never stop sharing your content with them.


An error is incurred when you don’t edit the content of Meta tags and images. Many times, some of them are not fully adapted to what you want to communicate. It is also a mistake to publish linked content from another network automatically and publish it without adapting it first. Remember that each network has its own approach that adapts to the environment.