Lower Health Insurance Premiums and Save Money

Cyber Talent

The easiest way to save money on your monthly expenses is to reevaluate your insurance. Reach out to more than one company and ask them for a quote. Be sure to bundle all your items in one package for the best offer. Healthcare should also be evaluated. Many families find that health insurance monthly premiums are too high for their needs. This is why it is important to reevaluate your monthly expenses at least every six months. Most people are overpaying. Now, you can shop around and still end up paying more in the long run with traditional health coverage or you can consider alternative health insurance. There aren’t many alternatives to health coverage other than not having medical protection in the first place. But, we know this plan is not feasible for everyone and some find a strong sense of security when they have some sort of health coverage. Zenith Direct Care is a Utah clinic. This clinic offers alternative health insurance, called Direct Primary Care. The clinic offers different kinds of memberships. Like monthly premiums, Utah families can pay a monthly fee for unlimited access to their doctors and some lab tests and prescriptions are included. Save money each month by switching to an alternative health care plan.

Alternative healthcare doesn’t accept regular insurance. Because they do not accept traditional healthcare they can spend as much time with patients as they deem necessary and communicate with them even if they have to schedule an appointment. Both the physician and the patient are in direct contact. Because doctors can see exactly what a test or treatment will cost, this healthcare model encourages price transparency. Traditional hospitals have doctors who report to the healthcare company what the patient requires in terms of medical assistance. The insurance company determines what is “important.” The main problem with this process is coverage companies are not doctors. They don’t have the qualifications to determine what procedures or tests take precedence over others. Alternative coverage puts the patient first.

Alternative care members allow for unlimited visits per month, usually between $25 and $85 per person. Direct primary care doesn’t cover hospitals. However, insurance companies can’t dictate how doctors treat patients. You, the patient, must decide what you value in healthcare. Do you want to be able to afford health coverage without insurance or quality alternative healthcare at an affordable price? Every Utah family needs to evaluate their healthcare and decide if Salt Lake primary care would work for them. Zenith Direct Care has two locations in Salt Lake City, Utah and one in Saratoga Springs. For information and support, visit https://www.zdirect.care/. Zenith Direct Care is a clinic located in Utah that only accepts alternative health insurance as payment for their services.