Pregnancy is a rollercoaster ride for a woman’s body. Some hormones shoot up, while others go through a slump. Your body needs extra calcium and iron to meet the needs of the new body growing inside you. The drop in calcium levels and the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can contribute towards the onset of gum disease. A gum infection or any antibiotics or treatment used to treat it can negatively affect the baby’s growth.
Some tips you can follow before the pregnancy can protect you from any dental emergencies later.
Before pregnancy
If you have any dental issues before you get pregnant, it is better to get them sorted out before planning a baby. You can book a dental appointment to get your teeth professionally cleaned, and the dentist can also check thoroughly for any issues that can bother you later during pregnancy.
Any minor gum or tooth issues you have before your pregnancy will only get aggravated due to hormonal fluctuations, so it is better to check them out beforehand. If you have painful and sore gums that need a course of antibiotics and a professional cleanup, set up an appointment before you hop onto the baby wagon.
During Pregnancy
It can be difficult to travel long distances during pregnancy, so your first thought might be, “Is there a good dentist in woollahra?” A quick online search on “Bondi Junction dentists” will give you great options.
Regular brushing and flossing is imperative to avoid any unnecessary tartar buildup, which can lead to inflammation of the gums. This can cause infections and bleeding, which can harm the baby. In this case, your motto should be “prevention is better than cure”.
If a tooth or gum problem has been bothering you, you should set up an appointment immediately rather than delaying it until the baby is born. A pregnant woman with gum disease is 7 times more likely to have premature delivery than other women.
You must inform your dentist that you are pregnant when you go for a consultation. Routine dental procedures can be done without issues unless your obstetrician has advised against anything in particular. Your primary care doctor might give you a list of special instructions or precautions to remember when going for your dental check-up.
Tell your dentist in detail about all the medications that you have been taking. Some of your gum issues might have been triggered by any particular medicine that you might be on. It is essential to discuss your medical history in detail.
If an x-ray is needed, your dentist can get one done with extreme precautions not to hurt the baby.
You must take all your calcium and iron supplements on time. If you become calcium deficient, the body still extracts all that it needs for the baby’s growth from your bones and teeth, contributing to tooth and bone problems.
During the first trimester, morning sickness can make you gag while you brush your teeth. The solution is to simply switch to a toothpaste that has a milder taste so that it does not trigger nausea or vomiting.
Some more steps to take for healthy gums and teeth during pregnancy include:
- Drinking plenty of tap water. Tap water in Australia contains fluoride, which can help strengthen your teeth and prevent decay.
- Avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks
- Eat at least two and a half serves of calcium-rich foods, such as milk, dairy products, tofu, almonds, seeds, canned salmon and sardines.
- Eat various healthy foods rich in natural vitamins and minerals.
Besides your routine and emergency dental issues, any elective procedures you need to get done can wait until after you have delivered the baby.
After The Delivery
After the delivery, it is even more challenging to keep checking your physical and dental health due to the significant responsibility of having a newborn. However, you must continue your primary dental hygiene steps, such as brushing and flossing. If there was any particular dental procedure that your obstetrician or dentist asked you to put off until after your delivery, now is the time to get it done.
Breastfeeding, like pregnancy, is also a sensitive time for a woman. Your body uses all of its nutrients to make milk for the baby. It is imperative that you take all your supplements religiously so that you and your baby are not deprived of essential minerals and have proper oral health. During this time, your body also goes through different hormonal fluctuations, which can cause gum weakness. Gum pain can be excruciating if it is left untreated. If you feel any such issues, it is better to get them looked at immediately before they worsen.
Only a healthy mother can look after her baby in the best way. Dental health is just as important as physical and mental health, although it might have been forgotten in your prenatal classes! Whether you’re pregnant, trying to get pregnant or have just delivered your baby, booking an appointment with a Bondi Junction dentist can be worthwhile to improve your dental health.