Link between Professional Development and Stress in the Workplace? A Critical Discussion


Career development is important as it enhances not only professional life but personal life as well.  However, career development is not an easy task at all, as it requires tremendous effort. There are a number of factors that can affect the career development of employees at a workplace. Stress has the most significant effect on the professional development of the employees. Workplace stress can significantly halt professional and career development.  Stress sets off an alarm in the brain triggering the defensive action in the body.  It arouses the nervous system and releases hormones to sharpen the senses. Besides, it can quicken the pulse, and the respiratory system depends due to stress.

This bodily response is important because it helps the body to defend against threatening situations.  Physical response of stress skin effect in individuals in many ways at work and home.  This article will provide significant insight into the relationship between career development and stress.  As the professional development of employees is important, stress can negatively affect this professional development.  The following section of this free example essay will provide you with information regarding the relationship between professional health and stress.

Stress and Productivity

The impact of stress on the employees is quite evident from their level of productivity.  Some employers assume that stressful working conditions will force higher productivity. Therefore, in a working environment where stressful work conditions are considered a necessary mechanism to pressure workers.  Stressful workers can never be productive and profitable for the company. People associate stressful working conditions with a number of factors.  It includes increased absenteeism, tardiness and higher turnover. When the productivity of employees reduces, it directly affects their career and professional development. If an employee is unable to perform at the workplace due to continuous stress, it also becomes a liability for the employer.

Stress In Job Satisfaction

Continuous stressful working conditions reduce the job satisfaction of the employees. As employees go through a stressful period, they think that they are not satisfied with their job.  Job satisfaction also plays an important role in the professional development of employees.  Job satisfaction actively leads to professional development.

How Does Stress Affect An Individual

When we talk about the workplace, stress people usually forget how it will affect their own health.  Stress can affect an individual in significant ways depending on the length of the stressful period.  Short-term stress can lead to minor health problems like headaches, disrupted sleep, and stomach related disorders.  Besides, chronic stress can build and cause serious health problems like high blood pressure, obesity and a weak immune system.  Another important factor related to stress is mental health issues. Individuals may find it difficult to focus. It is highly probable that they feel directionless and hence unsatisfied with the job.

How Stress Can Affect The Workplace

Workplace stress does not only affect individuals but the way they behave at the workplace. Sometimes when a person is under serious stress, it leads to strained interactions between co-workers. When an individual is stressed, there is a high chance that he would be quick to get angry.  There is a white possibility that a stressful person takes out his anger on his colleagues or co-workers. Besides, aggression towards colleagues can lead to distrust and defensive behaviour.

People who are under stress usually withdraw from their co-workers and other group activities at the workplace.  It does not only affect the individual but also creates an environment of resentment and toxicity at the workplace. When an employer does not focus on reducing stress at the workplace, it affects job satisfaction in turn.

How to Reduce Stress at Workplace

Stress affects the professional in career development in a negative manner.  Therefore, it is important that employers focus on strategies to reduce stress. Following are a few strategies that an employer can adopt to reduce stress at the workplace. 

Recognition For Good Performance:

Recognising an employee for the work performance is important in reducing work-related stress. Sometimes employees are unable to figure out if their performance is good enough.  Recognising their work validates their efforts and motivates them for progress. Ignition for good performance enabled employees to have an insight into their capabilities. Identifying what they are good at will help them in their professional and career development. 

Career And Professional Development Opportunities:

It is important that employers focus on providing professional development opportunities. It reduces the stress of employees and gives them the certainty of their future growth.  Presenting career opportunities for employees also align their future goals with the company goals as well. Career opportunities and not only for the employees, but it provides the company with certainty regarding its workforce.

Developing A Constructive Organisational Culture:

Companies can develop constructive organisational culture by valuing individual workers.  It is essential to value every individual in order for that employee to become an asset to the company.  Until an employer gives an individual the confidence to be a valuable part of the organisation, it is difficult to enhance job satisfaction. Organisational culture plays an important role in this regard.  Companies can indulge in fun activities like welcome parties, farewells and birthday celebrations for their employees to make them feel good about themselves.

Consistent Decision-Making Aligned With Organisational Values: 

Management actions are important to maintain particular organisational culture.  Managers reside at a higher place in the organisation. Therefore, employees have a keen eye on their actions.  If manager charges are not able to comply with the organisational values, it is difficult to inculcate these values in the organisational culture.  Therefore, management actions should be consistent with organisational values. 

 This article concludes that Truss can negatively affect career and professional development.  Stress reduces the job satisfaction and productivity of employees. It does not only affect the physical health of employees, but their mental health is at stake as well. Therefore, in order to ensure professional development, employers must focus on strategies to reduce stress at the workplace.

Author Bio:

Robert Fawl is a professional Content writer & Content Marketer. Based in London, Robert is an author and blogger with experience in encounter composing on various topics including but not limited to Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing, Thesis Writing Services and Assignment Writing etc.