Kickboxing: The Ultimate Guide to Getting in Shape


Are you looking for a great way to get in shape? Kickboxing may be just what you are looking for! This high-intensity workout can help you burn calories and improve your fitness level. In this guide, we will explore the basics of kickboxing and how it can benefit your health. So, read on to learn more!

1. What is kickboxing?

Kickboxing is an intense, martial arts-inspired workout that involves punching, kicking and kneeing. This cross-training workout allows you to burn calories while improving coordination and strength. By utilizing several muscle groups at once, this high-intensity cardio workout also improves cardiovascular endurance over time.

2. How can I use it for losing weight?

Kickboxing can be used as a fun way to lose weight! When done properly, the movements cause your heart rate to increase which means your body relies more on oxygen than stored carbohydrates throughout the class. Kickboxing burns about 400 calories per hour so if you attend two or three classes each week, you will see great results in no time! And since many people love kickboxing because it is a great stress reliever, you will be burning calories while relieving your tension and improving your mental health.

3. How can I use it for toning?

Kickboxing is an intense workout that helps tone your arms, legs and core muscles through resistance training without any weights required. While kickboxing alone may not give you the “beach body” look by itself like traditional strength training might, this can make kickboxing a great addition to most weight loss programs! Plus, you burn more calories per hour than with many other exercises so in combination with your cardio workouts, you are sure to get lean all over!

4. Are there specific techniques I should know before attending my first class?

Not at all! Most gyms and fitness centers will provide you with a basic tutorial to ensure you know the proper form and technique before beginning your kickboxing workout. The instructor should go over what you need to know. Plus, not only does kickboxing require physical exertion, but it can also be mentally challenging as well which is why many people love the sport! Anyone can do it and there is no wrong way to do it so just have fun putting those moves together!

5. How much time should I dedicate towards my workouts?

Kickboxing is considered a high intensity cardio workout so for best results, try attending up to three classes per week with at least one day of rest in between each session. The more often you attend classes, the better you will see your results as this is a high-energy workout that encourages physical exertion. Plus, with the stress relieving benefits, it can be a great form of therapy! Just remember to stay hydrated throughout the workouts and listen to your body to ensure you do not push yourself too hard. Remember, this is supposed to be fun so make sure you take any discomfort or pain seriously and stop immediately if anything feels off!

6. Are there any meal plans that go along with this workout?

Remember to take care of your body even in between workouts! The food choices you make throughout the day can help maximize your results or cause you to lose steam when trying to lose weight. If you are looking for a great way to boost energy and metabolism, try making sure each meal contains lean protein like fish or chicken as well as fiber-rich carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Plus, if you are looking for an extra energy boost, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day as hydration is key!

7. Are there any injuries I should worry about?

During intense physical activity, it is possible that you could pull a muscle or experience some discomfort. For best results, wear clothing that is comfortable and allows for full-range of motion. Also, make sure you are always using proper form during each exercise which will help prevent injury. If anything hurts or feels off, stop immediately to avoid any serious injuries or pain!

8. What if I’m new to this type of workout?

If you are new to kickboxing workouts, try searching for beginner classes at your local gym or fitness center. It is important to start with the basics before attending more advanced sessions so it’s not recommended to jump straight into a class without knowing what you are doing. Each gym may be slightly different so always ask instructors about their basic routines prior to jumping in so know exactly what moves come next.

9. Are there any accessories I should worry about?

Yes, in order to get the most out of your workouts, you will want to make sure you have the proper footwear and clothing depending on what type of class you attend! If many exercises are performed standing up, choose comfortable shoes that can stand up against some movement like cross-trainers or aerobic sneakers. For kickboxing classes, since things tend to get more intense compared with other gym classes, try wearing workout clothes that provide a high level of breathability so you do not overheat during the session. Also ensure that all personal belongings are safely secured to avoid being lost or damaged during your workout!

10. What equipment is used during a typical kickboxing workout?

Kickboxing workouts do not require any special equipment, but there are some pieces you can invest in to maximize intensity during your workout! Some basic items that should be included in most kickboxing routines are gloves which act as both hand-protection and a weight for punches or jabs. For people who take classes frequently that include pad-work, it is recommended to get your own pair of focus mitts so you don’t have to worry about sharing with other classmates. Other than these two items, there isn’t much else needed for kickboxing workouts unless you decide to buy equipment like punching bags for home use!

11. What type of results can I expect from doing this workout?

The high energy nature of this workout combined with its full body movements can lead to increased calorie burn and improved coordination! Since you are constantly moving, kickboxing workouts give your heart a great workout which will give a boost to your metabolism. Also, you will be breaking a sweat during each session so expect to see some results after one or two 30-minute kickboxing routines!

12. Will I have enough energy for other activities throughout the day?

Kickboxing workouts provide plenty of physical activity, but it is important not to forget about rest days where muscles can recover from the previous day’s activities. Try planning at least two days per week as active recovery from high intensity training. Plus, since many people report increased energy levels from the sessions, it should help improve every aspect of your life!

13. What should I eat to fuel my workouts?

It is recommended to have a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. This will provide the body with enough energy so you can give a great overall performance during each kickboxing session. Also, try drinking a lot of water before and after each workout since breathing techniques used may cause dehydration. Finally, being hydrated will help prevent other injuries from occurring due to lack of proper fluids in the body!