Introduction of Ajit Prabhu


An Indian entrepreneur, who is a CEO and chairperson of QuEST Global. Ajit Prabhu started it in 1997 at Schenectady, New York. Ajit Prabhu worked at General Electric’s corporate research and Development Centre. New York. Where he polishes his expertise in engineering sector. During his service, he provided services in aircraft, locomotive and appliances problems, power generation, and so on. Perhaps Mr. Ajit Prabhu launched his company when startups were all the rage in America. Since the launch of the company, they had a growth mindset that triggered the expansion of the company. Therefore,now, in 2021, they have over 11,000 employees in 54 locations around the world.


The journey of Mr. Ajit Prabhu started in the small and delicate village of Hubli, Karnataka. Where he lived with his parents and two brothers. Ajit Prabhu doesn’t come from a wealthy background. However, that’s what makes his story unique. We often hear that succeeding in life; we need to have strong financial backing. But he is a testament that with hard work and excellent direction in life, you can achieve anything. Ajit Prabhu  took his teachings from his public school education and eventually made it to the US. There he graduated with two master’s degrees and, a couple of years later, launched a highly successful startup.


Being a philanthropist, he knows how to pay back to society. Given that, the focus of the foundation is to ensure that students have access to an education that helps them and helps the world around them. In addition, it is not surprising to see the many achievements of such students. In 2020, the foundation provided financial support to over 90 students to go out and achieve their dreams, and the numbers will only increase in the coming years. Mr. Ajit Prabhu has a simple goal in mind, and that is to educate 1000 young people in the next 25 years so that they can move on and make their own mark on the world, just as he did. Now that you have begun, there is no way this vision will become reality, and time will show the results of your mission. His company shows how philanthropy is also at the heart of business and entrepreneurship, and the positive impact goes beyond business success.

In recent years, the entrepreneurial culture in India has recovered. Which can be seen in the many startups that have been launched. There is much talk of our country’s young blood venturing into uncharted waters. However, we overlook those who have set the stage in the past. Ajit Prabhu, CEO and President of QuEST Global, a product development and engineering provider, is one of many who have. He launched his own Foundation in 2016. Where he gave scholarships and education to those students who cannot afford education on their own. To secure the future of the young generation, the only way is to educate them. Providing the guiding light to the youngsters in a virtue at this moment.