Important Situations When You Need Asbestos Survey


In the UK, 1.5 million buildings, including hospitals and eight out of ten schools, are still believed to contain six million tons of asbestos. The danger of illness is minimal if left undamaged or unaltered because the main cause of asbestos-related illness is inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers.

You cannot just let a building go into deterioration. They will require constant maintenance, repairs, and in certain cases, demolition and renovation. Asbestos contamination and exposure are more likely due to these work activities. They increase the risk of asbestos since they disturb the asbestos, leading to the emission of airborne fibers. The result could be many illnesses, including asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma, etc.

These illnesses are very incapacitating. They mostly affect lung function and can make breathing challenging for a person. They progress and are typically lethal. Because workers cannot see the fibers or immediate harm caused by asbestos might make them complacent, asbestos is a true hidden killer.

This is where the asbestos survey London comes in. Duty holders are required by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 to handle asbestos in non-domestic properties. Managing does not necessitate asbestos removal. It does, however, include determining its presence, type, and condition and gauging the risk of harm or disturbance.

So, when may you need an asbestos survey? Let’s find out.

  1. If your home was built before 2000

A legal requirement is to have an asbestos survey done if your (non-domestic) property was constructed before 2000. The Control of Asbestos Regulations of 2012 enforces this obligation. A management survey should identify any potentially ACM-containing goods. The management survey serves as the beginning point for continuing asbestos management within a facility.

  1. If you want to refurbish your home

Before beginning any work on a property, you must first obtain a more thorough (intrusive) survey if your plans go beyond what was included in the original survey. The survey described here is a “refurbishment/demolishing” survey. The asbestos regulations also make this a legal necessity.

  1. If there is a presence of asbestos on your property

If there is asbestos on the property, you need a strategy outlining how you will handle the material while protecting residents, workers, and visitors from exposure. An asbestos management plan will outline your daily asbestos protection for these people. It is required by law.

  1. When buying property

An asbestos survey is ideal if you purchase a property (commercial or residential) built before 2000. It becomes your problem if you buy the property without having a survey done and then learn that it has ACMs. This is frequently discovered after a standard building survey or at the lender’s request.

  1. When selling property

The need for a survey is frequently only brought up by a buyer, buyer’s agent, or lender. Although selling a home containing asbestos is permitted in the UK, you should let potential purchasers know if you are aware of it.

  1. When entering a lease

In most circumstances, the responsibility for the asbestos is yours if you sign a lease under which you are responsible for the property’s maintenance. If there is asbestos present, you should ask your potential landlord for current information to ensure it is safe and manageable.