5 Important Financial Considerations When Growing Your Export Business

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In many cases, expanding a business to an international market can prove to be an excellent course of action. Exporting goods abroad broadens the range of customers you can reach, subsequently enabling the company to grow. However, there are risks involved in this form of trade. That’s why it’s wise to weigh your options carefully and lay down the groundwork before embarking on the journey of boosting your export business. This article will explore potential financial options and valuable tips that can aid you in this undertaking.

Carry out in-depth market research

To succeed in your efforts to grow your export business, it’s a good idea to expand your reach to a greater number of countries. However, keep in mind that the choice of territories is far more crucial than the number. Not all countries are equally profitable for your specific industry. By doing extensive research on the viable international markets, you can determine the countries where the demand for your products is likely to be high. 

Keep in mind that it’s not enough to focus on the financial side of the matter. There are other factors to consider, such as a country’s regulations concerning trade, as well as political and economic factors. Targeting territories that offer free trade agreements can be a smart choice, as you’ll receive more support and reduce tariff costs.

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Maintain a substantial online presence

In the beginning stages of running an export business, utilizing solely a trading platform is reasonable. However, when aiming to grow your success in the chosen industry, it’s wise to widen your online presence. This refers to creating a website and social media accounts, which will allow you to have a broader reach to your global audience. The choice of social media platforms depends on your target audience. 

Nevertheless, generally, social networks such as Facebook and Instagram can surely help you improve visibility to potential clientele, due to a vast number of regular users. Apart from that, employing the latest SEO techniques to boost online sales and investing in targeted advertising via Guaranteed SEO Services will boost your company’s success even further.

Get assistance to handle supply costs

Expansion of the business inevitably leads to a higher demand for the products, so you’ll require a larger volume of supplies. Paying the suppliers upfront, before you’ve secured your profit, isn’t always feasible. Fortunately, some dealers offer trade credit allowing you to compensate them for the service at a later date. However, this means that you would have to choose the supplier not solely based on the quality of their products but also on the conditions of credit payment that suit your needs. 

That’s why it’s worthwhile to look for companies that offer trade finance solutions. Their responsibility is to pay your suppliers straight away, while you repay them within a set amount of time, in some cases even without interest. This option comes with less risk and offers more options, as you can pick a supplier and a line of credit separately. 

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Automate certain aspects of your business

As your business grows, the workload is bound to increase. You can combat this by automating certain repetitive processes. This involves employing software that can carry out these tasks automatically. Automation can help you process orders, manage supplies, and improve the quality of customer support. For example, you can set up automatic emails that are sent out when a client inquires about certain information upon visiting your website or make use of chatterbots.

Consider different payment methods

When you’re not conducting your business activities exclusively through a trading platform, figuring out the most favorable payment method is no easy feat. Technically, the “perfect” method is the one that is the most beneficial for you but also accommodates your clients. The issue is that methods that are virtually risk-free for the exporter are generally the least secure option for the customer, and vice versa. 

For example, choosing to demand cash in advance puts the importer in the least favorable position. Some solutions aim to find the middle ground, such as documentary collection. This option involves the banks of both the seller and the buyer handling the documentation regarding the export of the product. It’s well-advised to experiment with different options to discover the one that appeals to your customers while aligning with your own requirements.

Wrapping up

Essentially, to help your export business bloom, you have some informed decisions to make. This means that extensive research is of great importance. However, your intuition can also be a salient factor, and shouldn’t be disregarded.