I Can’t Believe State Farm Denied My Roof Claim!

State Farm Denied My Roof Claim

I really didn’t think State Farm would ever deny my roof claim, but I guess I was wrong because that’s exactly what happened. It makes me really sad to think about how much money I’ve had to spend to get my new roof, and now I need to figure out how I’m going to pay all these contractors who worked on my house. And on top of all of that, State Farm still hasn’t admitted that they’re at fault!

The Damage

state farm denied my roof claim. I guess they don’t feel like paying for my new roof. I called them up, but the lady on the phone told me that there was nothing she could do and that I have to file a formal complaint with my state’s insurance board. The thing is, even though it’s not her fault, she can still blame me for this if she wants to cause trouble. I’m just glad that we got our house insured before this happened or else we would be in some deep shit right now. We had a lot of stuff going on this year and now State Farm is denying our insurance claim for no good reason. They’re blaming us for this. But what are you going to do when State Farm denies your roof claim? Well, the first thing you should do is call your state’s insurance board so you know who to contact about State Farm refusing your roof claim. They’re supposed to help people with these types of problems and make sure State Farm pays out their claims properly.

Filing the Claim

My State farm agent told me that the roof claim would be covered. I filed the claim and it was denied. I cannot believe state farm denied my roof claim. They said because it is an old house, they won’t insure me for a new roof. My agent never mentioned that when he sold me the policy. The contract says new or improved construction means any construction of a building (other than repairs) including rebuilding which will increase the amount of insurance protection provided by this insurance. The only thing State Farm did was deny my roof claim. I don’t know what to do now. If State Farm denies my roof claim, how can I get another one? Should I switch companies? What about all the other insurance coverage that State Farm has like auto, life, renters…should I still keep them? Maybe State Farm denied my roof claim because they found out that we have termites. It’s just not fair. State Farm knows there are so many people who need roofs replaced. State Farm has been denying roof claims left and right with no regard for people in need. How does State Farm expect anyone to make their payments if their home isn’t even insured?

The Estimate

State Farm denied my roof claim because they said the storm had no warning. I think this is ridiculous because there was a forecast. When I called State Farm to figure out why they denied my claim, they said it was because of the high winds that came with the storm and that it had no warning. I told them about the forecast but they said that does not count. It’s just not fair because now I have to pay a lot of money for a new roof when State Farms should have paid for it. What are you supposed to do in a situation like this? They made me feel so helpless by telling me to talk to my insurance agent. That’s what makes state farm denied my roof claim the worst insurance company ever. They make all their customers feel like they can’t get anything done on their own. I mean it shouldn’t be up to an individual customer to fight an insurance company and win. Insurance companies need to change the way they handle their customers’ claims so they can stop denying people who deserve help! State farm is an awful company because they only care about their profits and not the wellbeing of their customers. And even worse, after State Farm denied my roof claim, they were still asking for more money from me every month! Luckily I found another company that will give me a better rate and won’t deny any future claims.

The Adjuster

My wife and I were excited to finally be able to afford a new roof on our house. It was just in the nick of time too, because one day while we were out the wind blew off all of the shingles on top. We filed a claim with State Farm and they sent over an adjuster to assess the damages. The adjuster looked around at the damage and then gave us this really strange look, she said that since there was no visible structural damage we needed to take care of it ourselves. I can’t believe State Farm denied my roof claim!

The Denial

state farm denied my roof claim for a leak that I knew about and reported to them immediately. I was told by the customer service representative that because the roof was not damaged, there would be no coverage. They said the leak only caused damage when it went through my ceiling below. The representative said they’d have to inspect further before they could make any decision and even told me that, if they determined there was some damage, it may not be covered as well since I didn’t report the leak right away. But when I showed up at their office with pictures of the leaking roof (taken just days before), all of their claims representatives were surprised to see how far-reaching and pervasive the problem was.