How to Start a Successful Blog: Seven Benjamin’s Advice for Starting a Successful Blog


Starting a blog can be intimidating, especially if you’re unsure of how to create a successful blog. But the key to starting a successful blog isn’t complicated, it’s just a matter of thinking outside the box. That’s where Benjamin Franklin comes in! Benjamin Franklin is known as one of America’s founding fathers and he was an accomplished writer who wrote several books on various topics ranging from money management to self-improvement. It’s his insight into starting a blog that we’re here to share with you – after all, it can be challenging for anyone new to begin their own blog from scratch. Here are seven Benjamin Franklin insights that will help you create an effective blog:

Don’t stress out too much right away.

Starting a blog can be a daunting task — from finding the time to create content, to figuring out what content to create. While you do need to put a lot of thought into creating your blog, it can be helpful to remember to take one step at a time. The more you try to accomplish at once, the more likely you are to stress out and put your blog on the back burner. Instead, approach starting your blog with a realistic timeline in mind. If you’re aiming to start a blog in a month or two, it may be helpful to set a concrete goal for yourself. The more you try to get done in a shorter period of time, the more you’re likely to miss. Even if you want to create a blog in a month, writing and producing content can take some time. It may be helpful to make an appointment in your calendar to block out this time, because you’ll never know when it will be too busy for blogging.

Create a mission/purpose for your blog.

A blog’s purpose can help to define the goals of your blog and provide direction for your content. It’s important to know exactly what you want to accomplish with your blog as well as why you’re starting it in the first place. Your blog’s purpose can be as straightforward as answering specific questions you want to answer, or it can be more expansive. For example, your blog may be to inspire and provide guidance to those struggling with addiction. When you create your blog’s purpose, it can be helpful to think of how the blog will help others. What would you like your readers to come away with after reading your blog? What would you like to achieve with your blog?

Be genuine and don’t be afraid to be yourself.

When you create your blog’s mission and purpose, it can be helpful to consider how you want to present yourself on your blog. What does the person you want to become on your blog look like? What does your ideal self look like when you reach your personal blogging goals? Self-expression is an important part of blogging and you don’t want to be afraid to be yourself when blogging. Being authentic and genuine is what will ultimately make your blog successful, so be yourself and don’t be afraid to be yourself. You don’t have to be anything that you’re not — be honest, open, and authentic. You may find that being yourself will help you connect with your readers better and give your blog more depth.

Be willing to take risks — **and make mistakes**.

There’s nothing wrong with experimenting! Blogging is all about pushing your boundaries and taking risks. When you’re blogging, you need to be willing to take risks and make mistakes. If you’re too afraid to take risks or make mistakes, then you’re not likely to be successful with your blog. There’s a difference between being humble and being afraid to make mistakes. If you’re too afraid to make mistakes, then you’re likely to be too timid to create fresh and engaging content. This will ultimately hold you back from reaching your blogging goals. You need to be willing to experiment with different topics, styles, and formats when blogging, because this will help to expand your blogging horizons.

Provide value to your readers before they expect it.

When you blog, it’s important to provide value to your readers before they expect it. This is key to making your blog successful because it will help to build a loyal and engaged audience. To help you provide value to your readers, you can use a number of different strategies. You can provide research, analysis, or thorough analysis about a certain topic. You can also provide advice, tips, and tricks for a specific topic. Providing value to your readers can be as simple as answering their questions, or it can be as complex as debunking myths and breaking news. The key is to stop waiting for your readers to ask you questions, and start to think about how you can answer them for your readers.

Communicate with your followers regularly.

If you truly want to create a successful blog, it’s important to establish a relationship with your readers. Not only will this help to build an engaged audience, but it will also help you to get better at blogging as well. When you’re blogging, it’s important to establish a relationship with your readers. Not only will this help to build an audience, but it will also help you to get better at blogging. There are a few things you can do to help build a relationship with your readers. First, you can share your posts with your readers. You can also send out blog updates on social media, and you can also respond to comments on your posts.


We hope that these Benjamin Franklin insights into starting a blog will help you to create a successful blog. Remember, blogging isn’t complicated, it’s just a matter of thinking outside the box. These Benjamin Franklin insights into starting a blog can help you to create an effective blog. Start blogging by thinking about what you want to accomplish with your blog. Next, think about how you want to present yourself and what the purpose of your blog is. Once you have these things figured out, you’ll be ready to create your blog.