How To Maintain A Website When You Are In The Digital Marketing Industry?

How To Maintain A Website When You Are In The Digital Marketing Industry?


As an entrepreneur in the digital marketing industry, having a website and maintaining it regularly is a must for you. 

But, why? 

Well, to begin with, your website is the first thing your potential online clients will notice about your brand. So, if you are not keeping it in a tip-top fashion, it’ll be almost impossible for you to perceive a noticeable first impression. 

Besides, if your website isn’t well-optimized, it’ll be difficult for you to garner web traffic as well. So, your site’s overall authority will get affected drastically, which, sequentially, may negatively impact its ranking on the search engines. 

So, the lesson? Keep an eye on your website’s metrics closely and keep it well-maintained through and through. Nonetheless, if you are a novice entrepreneur and only know about advertisement marketing, let us share some tips. 

Maintaining A Website – A Step-By-Step Guide 

Taking care of your digital marketing website may sometimes almost seem like owning a bonsai plant. It will look fantastic when you first get it to your home. However, if you don’t maintain it regularly, things can get pretty messy soon. Needless to say, the same issue happens with a website as well. 

So, to help you out, we will share some guidelines that we personally follow while nurturing our website. Let’s get started! 

Tip – 1: Give Your Website A Much Needed Makeover 

General users or visitors tend to judge an agency website’s efficacy through its design and homepage. Sometimes, they may also associate the quality of your services or products with how your website performs in their eyes. 

Hence, if your site entails a bland coloring scheme or features wrong formatting, you can expect people to exit the tab instantly.

Therefore, the first thing we would ask you to give a complete makeover to your website. Here are a few tips that may help you out – 

  • Fix how your homepage looks or feels 
  • Improve the placement of your navigation bars 
  • Make some tweaks to your logo 
  • Change the headers and footers 
  • Use optimized images for your products or blogs 

Also, create a logo that is attractive and add lighter theme on your website. This way, it will not affect the loading speed of your site or cause abrupt crashing issues. 

Tip – 2: Improve Your Content Section 

Whether you believe it or not, your blog or content section helps your users connect with you to some extent. Through blogging, you can – 

  • Offer solutions to niche-specific problems 
  • Share how-to guidelines on your products 
  • Provide insights on various industry-specific topics

So, the more articles you have on your blog section, the more time people will spend on your website. It, in turn, can increase the overall web traffic of your site and help it rank higher on SERPs. 

However, only writing informative content will not be enough for your website to improve its ranking. Besides, you have to work on the following aspects too. 

  • Writing content only on the same niche as your website
  • Using keywords at least 1% of times of the overall word count 
  • Sharing a catchy meta description within 155 characters 
  • Avoiding plagiarism 
  • Breaking the article in different paras and subheadings 
  • Not writing paragraphs lengthier than 50 words 
  • Including infographics for engaging the readers 
  • Abstaining from using a salesy or promotional tone 

Also, before you publish your blog, make sure to check if you’ve unintentionally plagiarised something or not. Otherwise, it might affect your SERP ranking to some extent. 

Tip – 3: Test Browser Compatibility 

When you are trying to serve an international market, it’s not logical to think that everyone will use Google Chrome for their purpose. So, we would ask you to make a list of the most popular browsers available out there and test how your website performs. You must continue doing so at least once a year, as many platforms frequently change their algorithm or policies. 

Tip – 4: Keep A Backup 

Although it isn’t your regular website maintenance tip, keeping a backup is a must if you want to manage your site correctly. Otherwise, if anything goes wrong with your web portal, you can access all the available data without any worries. So, if you do not have the automatic backup feature, make sure to create a manual backup of everything once a week. 

Tip – 5: Review Your Website’s Metrics Frequently 

Maintaining a website’s performance on the SERPs will be almost impossible if you do not review its metrics daily. For example, if you want to check your website’s keyword strength or authority, you may take the help of Ahrefs. On the other hand, Moz can be ideal for measuring your website’s conversion rate, engagement rating, and bounce rating. 

Tip – 6: Check Your Website’s Performance 

Finally, you should also check your website’s overall performance rating at least once a year. Here are a few things that you need to follow through in this aspect – 

  • Try looking for broken links 
  • Check if your website’s features are working or not 
  • Watch for incorrect or outdated information 
  • Follow through the website’s loading speed 

Several issues, such as the automatic removal of links, can sometimes be caused due to the updates. So, we would ask you to follow through with your website’s usability whenever you update the plugins or programs of your site. 

Final Say 

Building your website from scratch is, indeed, an exciting experience. However, if you don’t keep up with the maintenance, it’ll become a mess pretty soon. So, if you do not want that to happen, make sure to use the tips mentioned above carefully. 

Also, do not forget to check the technical aspects of your website SEO whenever Google releases a new algorithm update. Otherwise, it may affect the ranking of your website on the search engine and decrease its overall visibility massively.