How To Handle The Maintenance Of A Canopy Tent


The canopies are excellent as investment options, especially when it comes to catering to special events. However, to ensure that the canopy lasts, it is necessary to clean it in regular intervals. Here are the basics to consider when maintaining the canopies.

Removing the top cover

Once the event finishes, you need to dissemble the tent and remove the top cover. Therefore, you need to remove the cover before carrying out the cleaning arrangements.

Washing the fabric

When it comes to cleaning the fabric of the canopy, all you need is warm and soapy water. The dishwashing detergent works well for cleaning and removing the dirt and deposits. However, you need to remove the soap from the fabric and allow it to dry. Using the spray nozzle of the garden hose may help in the removal of soap resides. Try to avoid bleaching as it may cause the fabric to fade.

Make the fabric dry

Even more important than cleaning the fabric is allowing it to dry completely. All you need is to keep it away from the ground. The more light and air the fabric receives, lower is the possibility of mold and mildew setting in.

Cleaning the frame

One of the significant tasks you need to handle is cleaning of the frame as it boosts the aesthetic appearance. When cleaning the aluminum and steel frames, you will need a brush with soft bristles to scrape off the dust and dirt. You may also use solutions to remove the tough stains.

When cleaning the frame, you must check for loose fasteners and figure out the screws, bolts, and nuts that are to be used as the correct tools. When approaching the swivel or the bracket point, make sure that the fasteners stay properly joined but making the fasteners too tight is not desirable.

Folding and repairing the fabric

When folding the creases of the fabric of your canopy tent, be sure that it retains the original shape. Try to avoid stuffing it in the storage bags as it may reduce the life of the fabric. Despite the best methods of maintenance you follow, the canopy tent may still remain prone to wear and tear. Before cleaning the fabric, it is necessary to repair it at first.

  1. Try to avoid using the canopy during gusts of winds as they might blow away.
  2. The canopies that are not secure may blow over, causing injuries.
  3. You must keep the canopy up during lighting and must not be used as a weather shelter.
  4. The rain water must not create pools on the top of the canopy as it may cause the fabric to stretch and become prone to excessive weight.
  5. If the canopy is not suitable for snow loads, you must not allow snow to build up on the top.
  6. Applying stain-repellant solution

One of the important steps to consider for preventing stains to set in; you can spray a stain-repellent solution to avoid the buildup of dirt. The abovementioned methods go a long way in maintaining the cleanliness of the fabric of the canopy tent and ensure its longevity.