Pranayama is a yogic practice of ancient India; it revolves around breathing techniques. The name pranayama is a mixture of “prana”, which means life or soul, and “Yama”, which means control. While practicing pranayama, you have to control your breathing in different lengths and styles; it has a pattern where you inhale, hold your breath for a certain amount of time, and exhale. 

It is one of the primary components of yoga; ancient Indian monks have been performing pranayama for centuries. But now it has gained popularity in the western world as well. That is because of its tremendous health benefits.

Pranayama is known as the fourth limb of yoga; traditionally, pranayama practice is done alongside either “asana” (yoga) or “dhyana” (meditation). It is believed that by regulating your breath correctly, you can control the power of your mind. The goal of pranayama is to connect your mind with your body and soul. Also, by practicing pranayama, you exhale a significant amount of oxygen that is beneficial in removing the toxins. 

It also heals our psychological distress. There is a variety of breathing techniques, which are:

  • Nadi Shodhana is an alternate nostril breathing technique; you have to use your right thumb to close your right nostril, inhale through the left nostril, then close your left nostril with your thumb and exhale through the right nostril. Then hold your left nostril and inhale with your right nostril, and after that, hold your right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Continue the process for five minutes.
  • Ujjayi: The victorious breath or whispering breathing or ujjayi pranayama; is a breathing technique where you keep your mouth close and then constrict your throat to a level where you start making snoring noises while trying to breathe. While doing this breathing technique, keep the duration of your inhale and exhale equal. 
  • Bhramari: Bhramari, or humming bee breath technique, is popular because it creates a unique sensation, and you feel calm and smothering around your forehead. To practice bhramari, you have the first seat, relax, and then place your thumb finger on your tragus cartilage to partially cover your ear canals. Then inhale, and while exhaling, press your thumb finger into the cartilage. 

These are a few breathing exercises that you should practice regularly. As a beginner, you can contact a specialist to help you out with it, and if you do not know anyone who teaches pranayama in person, you can also join online pranayama classes.

Scientific benefits of practicing pranayama regularly

Pranayama is not only an ancient breathing technique to practice alongside yoga; it has several advantages of its own, which are scientifically backed. 

  1. Reduces stress level: It is scientifically proven that pranayama decreases the stress level in adults by calming our nerves down rapidly. Also, if individuals practice pranayama for some time, they will notice their anxiety level is significantly lower. The reason behind this is that we inhale significantly more oxygen while breathing, and oxygen gives energy to our brains. 
  1. Improve the quality of sleep: With less stress and anxiety, it is expected that you will get to enjoy better sleep quality. Slowing down breathing is good for keeping the heartbeat normal; practicing pranayama for mere five minutes before sleep will calm your body. Also, pranayama reduces snoring and daytime tiredness.
  1. Good for increasing mindfulness: With our busy work life and other commitments, we don’t even have time to breathe for a minute; most of our breathing happens without us noticing. But while practicing pranayama, we focus on breathing and the present, not the future or the past; it is known as mindfulness. 

A survey shows that people who practice pranayama show a better level of mindfulness and concentration than those who don’t; it is also related to the fact that by inhaling oxygen, they are exhaling carbon-di-oxide, which is bad for our brain cells.

  1. Controls high blood pressure: Stress is terrible for our health; stressing over things might result in our blood pressure reaching an unhealthy level. It has many health hazards, and you might end up getting any heart disease or even stroke. By practicing pranayama regularly, you can reduce your stress level and effectively your blood pressure. 
  1. Improves lung functions: The slow forceful breathing pattern of pranayama is excellent for strengthening our lungs. Survey shows that practicing pranayama for an hour for more than a month can do wonders for our lungs. It can help with various lung-related medical issues, such as asthma and allergic bronchitis. It is also great for someone who is recovering from pneumonia or tuberculosis. 
  1. Reduces your cigarette craving: Craving cigarettes has become an issue for many adults; many people are trying to get rid of this bad habit, but it is pretty hard to stop craving cigarettes on the first try. Data shows that people who practice pranayama regularly find it easier to fight cigarette cravings than those who don’t. 

Pranayama or the breathing technique is one of the significant components of yoga, and it is great for connecting our body with our mind. Practicing pranayama for only fifteen minutes a day can improve our living standards.
Also read: Things you should believe while practicing yoga.