How Influencers Can Be Used Effectively To Grow Your Baking Business


Even if you are in a small town, you will find many baking companies and local bakeries around. Therefore, before you start a baking business, you can be sure about facing a lot of competition. Despite facing stiff competition or being in highly competitive environments, many bakers and bakery establishments have grown steadily. In case you need a bit of a push, you can seek the help of baked food influencers.

In today’s times, baking companies of all sizes pay influencers or collaborate with them to propel the growth of their business forward. While paying for or collaborating with influencers is not a bad idea at all, you need to be sure of how you plan on leveraging their online presence.

There have been several instances of baking companies paying a large amount of money to influencers and not gaining anything from the process. This happens when companies do not know what to do with influencers or are not aware of how influencers can help them. To ensure that money and resources do not go to waste, baking companies need to have a plan in place.

Here is how you can use influencers to grow your baking business:

Creating User-Generated Content

Today, everybody gets flooded with a lot of content regularly. While every business works towards creating content to promote their products, getting users or your consumers to create content is a technique that works very well. You can take the help of baked food influencers to encourage your consumers to create content using your products.

There are several ways in which a baking business can get consumers to create user-generated content. A baking company can launch a contest in which participants have to upload videos consuming or making some recipe with their products. To create awareness about such contests, the company can take the help of influencers.

Collaborating with Micro-Influencers

Influencers are of different types. Before collaborating with an influencer, therefore, a baking business has to be sure about the kind of influencers they should be collaborating with. Not every influencer can help in taking your business forward. Micro-influencer is the term used for an influencer who has a limited but focused following on social media.

These days, a lot of businesses, including baking companies, are understanding the importance of collaborating with micro-influencers. Influencers, who belong to this category, are known for having a strong and authentic connection with their followers. Therefore, when a micro-influencer promotes a particular bakery product, there is a good chance of the majority of their followers trying it out.

Educating Consumers

A large number of consumers like to do a lot of research before investing in any kind of food product. The ones who are extremely conscious about their health, go through the names of the ingredients written on a packaged food product, before purchasing it. In such times, a baking company can collaborate with baked food influencers to ensure the right information reaches the consumer.

A baking company can use the digital presence of an influencer to inform its target consumers about the quality of their products and what makes them different from the baking products manufactured by other companies. In today’s times, misinformation spreads as easily as information does. An influencer can, therefore, be used to counter misinformation and the spread of false information.

Promoting a Recipe Book

A baking company has to look for different ways in which they can make consumers aware of their products. One of the best properties to insert the names of your products in a very organic manner is a recipe book. This is the reason why several baking companies are publishing recipe books and promoting their products through them.

If you do not want to print physical copies, you can invest in an e-book. To ensure the book reaches out to a large number of people and they get to know about your products mentioned in those books, you have to seek the help of influencers. They can promote your recipe book or e-book effectively through their social media platforms.

Propagating Your Brand’s Story

When consumers relate or connect to the story or journey of a company, you know it is well on its way to becoming a brand. Every company, that has become a well-recognized brand, has had a journey filled with struggles, hardships, joys, sorrows, and rewards. By sharing its journey with its consumers, a company builds an emotional connection with them.

Often, companies wonder as to how they can make their consumers aware of their stories. Influencers can help greatly in this regard. Influencers can speak to or interview individuals running baking companies or bakeries and get them to talk about their journey. They can post the clips of these interviews on their social media handles and ensure they reach out to a large number of people.

Letting Consumers Know About Interactive Packaging

A lot of companies, that manufacture bakery products, are incorporating different types of interactive elements in their products. Some of these interactive elements are augmented reality or AR and QR codes. When these elements are incorporated, consumers get the opportunity to interact with your products.

While interactive elements can be very interesting, there is limited awareness about them among consumers, especially those who belong to a higher age bracket. Baked food influencers can play an important role in making consumers aware of the interactive elements in your products. They can, for instance, play games or quizzes that one can play after scanning a QR code and entice the consumers to buy these products so that they can have these experiences.

Organizing Factory Visits

When your company has a dedicated factory for manufacturing baking products, you should try and familiarize your consumers with it. It would not be possible to make all those people, who consume your products, visit your factory. However, you can get influencers to visit your factory and get them to put up the kind of videos or material that gives your consumers a glimpse of it.

When your consumers become aware of your operational processes and have a look at all the love and preparation that goes into creating all the biscuits, cookies, and cakes they love devouring, they build a stronger association with your brand. When influencers visit your factory, they can also share their experiences and what they learned from it.