How do we know we are using too much technology

Too much tech addiction

Signs that you are using too much tech in 2022

As a society, we are increasingly connected through technology. Everywhere you look, someone is glued to their phone or computer screen. It’s practically impossible to escape the clutches of technology today. That being said, it’s also important to remember that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

We all have different limits for how much tech time is healthy for us individually, but recognizing those red flags when you are using too much technology will help keep you from going overboard. If you’re feeling like your tech habits have gotten out of hand lately, read on to learn about the signs that you are using too much technology and what you can do about it.

These tips will help balance your tech life so that it doesn’t take over your life and compromise other parts of your life such as friends, family, and hobbies.

You’re Constantly Checking Your Phone or Computer

If you find yourself constantly checking your phone or computer, even when you don’t need to, or even when you don’t want to, it’s a good sign that you may be using too much technology. If you find that you are feeling anxious, bored, or restless and you don’t know what to do about it, you might have a tech addiction.

If you feel like you have to constantly check your social media posts and your texts, it may be time to assess your tech usage. If you have the urge to check your phone every time you have a free moment, you are probably using way too much technology. Checking your phone or computer is a compulsion.

It is an impulse that comes from inside of you, and you can’t seem to control it. Compulsions are driven by anxiety, boredom, loneliness; and the need to feel connected. If you are constantly checking your phone, you are likely feeling one of those things. You might be feeling anxious because you are bored and don’t know what to do next or you might be feeling anxious because you are lonely and don’t have someone to talk to.

You might be feeling anxious because you are worried about what others think of you or what news is being reported in the world. Regardless of the reasons that you are constantly checking your phone, it is a sign that you are spending too much time in the digital world and not enough time in the real one.

You Feel Anxious or Anhedonic (Everything Tastes Bland) When You Are Not Using Tech

Anxiety is not a healthy thing in any circumstance, but it is even less healthy when it is caused by using too much technology. If you feel anhedonic or anxious when you are not using technology, it is a big sign that you are using it too much. Anhedonia is a lack of interest in activities or things that used to be enjoyable for you.

If you find that everything you used to enjoy no longer seems enjoyable, or tastes bland, you may be dealing with anhedonia. Anhedonia is common in people who have addiction issues. It means that you have no pleasure response to any of your favourite things, because your brain has been rewired to crave the technology instead. If you find that you are using technology so often that you have no interest in anything else, it is a clear sign that you have a technology problem.

There Are Activities That Should Be Enjoyable But No Longer Are Because of Tech

If you find that you have lost interest in activities that used to be enjoyable but now turn out to be a nightmare because of technology, it’s a clear sign that you are using too much technology. For example, if you find that you are no longer enjoying recreational reading because you feel like you can’t do it without also looking at your phone, or checking your social media, it’s a sign that you are using too much technology.

If you find that you are spending so much time on social media that you are not able to complete basic daily tasks, like grocery shopping, or chores around your house, it’s a clear sign that you need to take a step back from technology.

You Have Physical Symptoms Such As Headaches Or Back Pain Associated With Too Much Screen Time

Another indication that you are using way too much technology is if you have physical symptoms such as headaches, or back pain that you believe is associated with your excessive screen time. If you find that you have a constant headache, or that your back is aching whenever you are on your phone or computer too long, it’s a sign that you need to cut back on your tech time.

The human body is not meant to sit in one position for such long periods of time, and it will start to show in your physical health if you don’t take care of it. If you have a condition like carpal tunnel syndrome or you suffer from chronic headaches, it’s likely that your excessive screen time is contributing to the severity of these conditions.

Bottom Line

If you feel like you are constantly craving more screen time, or if you feel like you can’t function properly without constant screen time, it’s a clear sign that you are using too much technology. Using technology is not a bad thing, and it can certainly be helpful in various ways, but it’s important to make sure that you don’t let it become too controlling and take over your life.

You can’t let technology rule your life and dictate what you do with your time. It is important to make sure you have healthy tech habits and that you don’t let your tech usage get out of hand.