How Can eCommerce Videos Help in The Growth of Your Business?

How Can eCommerce Videos Help in The Growth of Your Business?

If you haven’t created interactive eCommerce videos on your eCommerce sites for your business, you must not waste any more time. Make use of the best interactive video platform and increase your company’s business. Online video platforms offer a variety of ways to creatively make your videos and present them in front of the audience. The idea of making videos is getting popular these days and is going to get even bigger in the coming years. All the types of businesses from different industries have been using video platforms to attract the audience towards their websites and have seen amazing results, be it an educational, beauty, or technology industry. Let us know how eCommerce can help in the growth of your business. 

Videos Help in Increasing Conversions 

Using videos on your websites can help in improving and increasing conversions by around 85%. It even helps in improving the SEO search results and improves the ranking of your website. You can create interactive eCommerce videos using great video platforms available in the market. These interactive videos can even turn a passive viewer into an active viewer.

Customers Prefer to Watch Educational Videos

When a video explains and demonstrates how to use a particular product and why it is worth the money, it would surely grab the attention of the customers. These interactive videos increase the interest of the customers and their confidence in your products. This also increases the chance of converting your website visitors into potential buyers. 

People Prefer to Watch Videos More Than Watching The Television 

Today’s generation and the coming generation will prefer to watch videos on their laptops, phones, or tablets as compared to watching stuff on their televisions. People also share the videos they like which is possible in the case of eCommerce videos. If liked, the viewers will also be sharing your videos on their social media pages and might pin whatever video they might like on Pinterest. This is why you must always prefer to make videos for your business and put them on your websites to generate more traffic.

Videos Can Lead to Direct Sales

Studies prove that about 60 – 70% of the users who watched the educational videos about the products subsequently bought the products. Whenever we imagine something in our mind, it is always in a visual form. We all know how pictures can increase somebody’s interest in something. Imagine how videos can boost your business. So, it would be much better if you start working on making videos for your brand’s website. Although video making is not an easy task when you have amazing video-making platforms by your side, you can easily create videos and make them interactive and informative. 

Great Return on Investment 

Video making is not an easy thing and it is also not cheap. But creating videos for your business is surely a great long-term investment. It provides great returns. There are many video editing tools and platforms that are affordable and provide high-quality services. You can use these platforms to add almost anything and everything to your website. About 83% of the business have experienced a high ROI because of these interactive product videos. 

Builds Trust

Trust is one of the most important things for a successful business. Without trust, there is no foundation for a business. Instead of persisting people to come and buy your products, it is better to attract your customers by using informative and useful content such as informative videos. This builds the trust of the customers in your brand which eventually makes them buy the products.

Before you pay a video editing platform for the creation and editing of the videos for your business, make sure to look at the features provided on that platform. After going through all the features, compare the different platforms and then finally choose the best interactive video platform for your business’ website. Here are some things that you can see before finalizing a video platform.

Look For a Customizable Video Player 

Most of the video editing platforms have options for managing speed, video quality, bookmarking, etc. But look for the players that have the option of doing certain customizations as per the requirement of your organization and website.


The security of digital properties is the biggest concern among companies. The video platform you choose must contain end-to-end encryption and must also contain features such as access control and entry must only be allowed only with permission.

Artificial Intelligence 

The use of AI in today’s world has increased massively. With the use of AI, there has been a significant decrease in the costs, efforts, and time that were required to be invested in a lot of organizational functions. AI reduces the risk of human errors and ensures that video editing is done perfectly. AI can provide functions like metadata extraction, searching inside the videos, sentiment analysis, etc. 


Cinema8 is an amazing video interaction and design platform that can help create interactive video learning content for eLearning, eCommerce, and for many other purposes.